Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98622 total results. Showing results 96801 to 96820 «483748384839484048414842484348444845Next ›Last » Candidates come forward for Gwent PCC election Caerphilly Observer 14/11/2015 News Yorkshire chief’s fears over ‘degrees for all new police officers’ plan The Yorkshire Post 14/11/2015 News Police Officers with Degrees: The plan, challenges and (missing) evidence Dr Tracey Wond of the University of Derby sets out her analysis of concerns about the College of Policing's plans for degrees in policing Policing Insight - Subscription at source 14/11/2015 Analysis A Professional without a Degree asks: “What else have you done?” Policing blogger and serving police officer "Nathan Constable" scrutinises the College of Policing proposals on degrees for police officers Policing Insight - Subscription at source 13/11/2015 Opinion A Degree in Policing – the thoughts of a retired cop Retired police officer Alan Wright provides a "thirty year experience" perspective on the College of Policing's plans for policing degrees Policing Insight - Subscription at source 13/11/2015 Opinion A degree or not a degree, now that’s a question Roy Swales, UKIP's PCC candidate for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, argues that "life experience is more valuable than a degree when it comes to policing" Policing Insight - Subscription at source 13/11/2015 Opinion Policing by Degrees: Does the College’s own evidence add up? Independent policing commentator Cate Moore argues for more support from the College of Policing for a "dedicated, talented, exceptional workforce" Policing Insight - Subscription at source 13/11/2015 Opinion Police complaints: Helpfully, more responsibility for PCCs Dr John Hayward of tensABILITY examines Government proposals to change the way police complaints are handled Policing Insight - Subscription at source 13/11/2015 Opinion REPORT: Witness for the prosecution – identifying victim and witness vulnerability in criminal case files Vulnerable victims and witnesses are being let down by an inconsistent approach to the management of criminal case files HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 13/11/2015 Report More effort to support vulnerable witnesses needed, says HMIC report Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/11/2015 News A policeman pulled over one of Google’s self-driving cars because it was going so slowly Business Insider 13/11/2015 News Degrees for all new police officers under radical new plans The Telegraph - Registration at source 13/11/2015 News Kent shortlist for the Conservative candidate to be PCC Conservative Home 13/11/2015 News All officers ‘should have degrees’, says College of Policing BBC 13/11/2015 News Are we failing female offenders? Jon Collins, of the Restorative Justice Council, provides the background to research into barriers to women's participation in restorative justice Policing Insight - Subscription at source 12/11/2015 Opinion Home Secretary speech to Reform: Five important areas for policing Bernard Rix identifies the key extracts from the Home Secretary's speech earlier this week to a Reform think tank audience Policing Insight - Subscription at source 12/11/2015 Analysis When cuts are inevitable, how do police decide what gets left out? Officers will have to make tough decisions, but work by the Met and West Midlands Police provides a starting point The Guardian 12/11/2015 Analysis, Feature Adviser to former Welsh Secretary Peter Hain considering PCC bid David Taylor, from Ruthin, is understood to have the backing of a number of MPs and AMs Wales Online 12/11/2015 News Police funding: We’ve had the omnishambles, we now need a meaningful dialogue Kent PCC Ann Barnes gives her views on the Home Office's police funding formula 'consultation' Policing Insight - Subscription at source 12/11/2015 Opinion Halton could become part of Merseyside police and fire service area under devolution deal Boundary change could 'threaten sustainability' of Cheshire Constabulary, police and crime panel hears Liverpool Echo 12/11/2015 News «483748384839484048414842484348444845Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events