Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98622 total results. Showing results 96781 to 96800 «483648374838483948404841484248434844Next ›Last » School with no confirmed home in Northampton appoints new vice principal Northampton Chronicle & Echo 17/11/2015 News Police Degrees: A recognition of how difficult the Job is Sharon Gander, Policing Pathway Lead for Nottingham Trent University's BA (Hons) Criminology Degree, argues in favour of the College of Policing's degree proposals Policing Insight - Subscription at source 16/11/2015 Opinion Degree-gate: Lessons for the College of Policing Emma Williams, Programme Director, In Service Policing degree at Canterbury Christ Church Uni, marks the College of Policing's recent 'policing degree' work Policing Insight - Subscription at source 16/11/2015 Opinion Delivery Report 2015 Northamptonshire OPCC 16/11/2015 Report British police unit was put on standby following Paris attacks National Police Coordination Centre would have found extra officers from rural UK to rush to sites in London and other cities The Guardian 16/11/2015 News Behind François Hollande’s snap decision at Stade de France and the unfolding terror in Paris Wall Street Journal (USA) 16/11/2015 Analysis, Feature Disillusioned, embittered but not afraid: The UK’s thinning Blue Line brace themselves for Armageddon Huffington Post 16/11/2015 Feature, Opinion SPEECH: UK Internet Safety Minister to the WeProtect summit 16/11/2015 Report Home Secretary Statement: Paris terrorist attacks 16/11/2015 Report Our security, and our economy: Do not overlook the critical link, Mr Osborne Surrey's Police and Crime Commissioner, Kevin Hurley, urges the Chancellor to look again at his plans for policing and security spending Policing Insight - Subscription at source 15/11/2015 Opinion Why Policing by Degrees may well be the best preparation for a ‘perfect storm’ Policing blogger (and serving officer) Gareth Stubbs puts the arguments in favour of the College of Policing's Educational Qualification Framework (EQF). Policing Insight - Subscription at source 15/11/2015 Opinion Questions for French security services after it emerges three major intelligence failures may have let the killers through Mail Online 15/11/2015 Analysis, Feature MPS Statement following the tragic events in Paris Metropolitan Police Service 14/11/2015 News Senior police officer attacks SNP’s crime claims The Scotsman 14/11/2015 News The police force needs both graduates and artisans The proposal that all officers should have degrees would exclude many able people from a profession that should be as diverse as possible The Guardian 14/11/2015 Feature, Opinion G4S could run merged Northants, Leics, Notts police control room, MD reveals Northampton Chronicle & Echo 14/11/2015 News PCC seeks to recruit a new Chief Constable Suffolk OPCC 14/11/2015 News SPEECH: SIr Brian Leveson on Security and Justice 14/11/2015 Report Sidney Torres developed an App to transform New Orleans Police Department Huffington Post 14/11/2015 News Police cuts: David Cameron tried to save constituency stations BBC 14/11/2015 News «483648374838483948404841484248434844Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events