Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98633 total results. Showing results 96641 to 96660 «482948304831483248334834483548364837Next ›Last » Former Crime Agency chief Phil Gormley appointed new head of Police Scotland BBC 2/12/2015 News Theresa May calls for more female police officers PoliticsHome 2/12/2015 News First female PC wins Theresa May’s acclaim and apology Theresa May will mark centenary of Edith Smith’s appointment by issuing apology after officials in 1915 deemed the PC ‘not a proper person’ The Guardian 2/12/2015 News Police forces will face on-the-spot crime figures checks The Telegraph - Registration at source 2/12/2015 News Former chief of Avon & Somerset Police hired by G4S weeks after being found guilty of misconduct The Independent 2/12/2015 News Tory list of hopefuls to fight 2016 PCC election in Cambridgeshire down to the final three Wisbech Standard 2/12/2015 News Distributed Ledger Technology: beyond block chain The progress of mankind is marked by the rise of new technologies and the human ingenuity they unlock. In distributed ledger technology, we may be witnessing one of those potential explosions of creative potential that catalyse exceptional levels of innovation. The technology could prove to have the capacity to deliver a new kind of trust to a wide range of services. As we have seen open data revolutionise the citizen’s relationship with the state, so may the visibility in these technologies reform our financial markets, supply chains, consumer and business-to-business services, and publicly-held registers. 2/12/2015 Report Gloucestershire Police ‘still need to make savings’ despite budget freeze BBC 1/12/2015 News New Met HQ officially ‘Topped Out’ by Commissioner and Deputy Mayor Metropolitan Police Service 1/12/2015 News Ex-Derby MP Chris Williamson standing for county PCC candidacy Derbyshire Live 1/12/2015 News I face council tax dilemma, says PCC Evesham Journal 1/12/2015 News North Wales PCC Winston Roddick plans to seek re-election Wales Online 1/12/2015 News CoPaCC Policing Report – November 2015 CoPaCC Policing Report covering the month of November 2015. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 1/12/2015 Report Weekly “Media Monitor” summary… A new approach to our Weekly Review, based on Subscriber feedback and drawing heavily on our popular Media Monitor database Policing Insight - Subscription at source 1/12/2015 News Latest CoPaCC Policing Report published Download the latest report covering policing and police and crime commissioner activity during November. Policing Insight 1/12/2015 News Suffolk’s new Chief Constable: Why the rush? Colin Sutton, policing commentator and former senior police officer, criticises the planned recruitment process for a new Suffolk Chief Constable Policing Insight - Subscription at source 1/12/2015 Opinion Spending Review: A PCC’s perspective PCC Katy Bourne provides the Sussex perspective on the Chancellor's Comprehensive Spending Review. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 30/11/2015 Opinion This is not a plea for sympathy, but I want you to know police officers are people too Regular Policing Insight contributor "Nathan Constable" looks behind the policing scenes at the men and women doing their very best under increasingly challenging conditions. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 30/11/2015 Opinion Protected funding: The huge opportunity for policing After the Spending Review, Ch Supt Gavin Thomas, Vice President of the Police Superintendents' Association of England and Wales, identifies two key questions - and an Elvis song Policing Insight - Subscription at source 30/11/2015 Opinion Home Office views on Committee on Standards in Public Life report: CoPaCC’s planned next steps CoPaCC Chief Executive Bernard Rix looks at the organisation's plans to act on the Home Office's response to the Committee on Standards in Public Life's recent report on policing Policing Insight - Subscription at source 30/11/2015 Opinion «482948304831483248334834483548364837Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events