Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 96621 to 96640 «482848294830483148324833483448354836Next ›Last » ‘Positive leadership’ in Devon & Cornwall Alison Hernandez, Conservative PCC candidate for Devon & Cornwall, sets out her thoughts on identifying, leading and delivering innovation Policing Insight - Subscription at source 8/12/2015 Opinion Police ‘not properly prepared’ to tackle honour-based crime BBC 8/12/2015 News Theresa May to tell police: You’ve still got years of budget cuts to come Home secretary will warn senior officers that George Osborne’s recent pledge to protect police funding does not mean a reprieve from further savings The Guardian 8/12/2015 News ‘Senior officers complacent or naive’ on routine arming of officers Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/12/2015 News PCC Martin Surl clashes with Conservative opponent Will Windsor-Clive before next May’s election Gloucestershire Echo 8/12/2015 News Former officer chosen as candidate for North Wales PCC 8/12/2015 News Former Labour parliamentary candidate throws his hat into the ring for PCC election Worcester News 8/12/2015 News Staffordshire Police chiefs approved custody suite recommendations Burton Mail 8/12/2015 News Commissioner’s office scoops award for openness and transparency Evesham Journal 8/12/2015 News Former Bradford police commander is Tory candidate for PCC elections Telegraph and Argus 8/12/2015 News Marking 100 years of women in policing: My story It's 100 years since Edith Smith, Britain's first ever female police constable, began patrolling the wartime streets of Grantham. PC Nelena Paparisva spoke at last week's event to mark the occasion. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 7/12/2015 Opinion Lancashire Conservatives to select PCC candidate on Monday 14th December Policing Insight 7/12/2015 News Research into policing our Police and Crime Commissioners Former senior police officer Roy Bailey sets out plans for his latest research project into policing governance Policing Insight - Subscription at source 6/12/2015 Opinion Top police officer credits her rise to him indoors The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 6/12/2015 News New Police Scotland chief under pressure to reveal budget plans STV News 6/12/2015 News BBC’s Chris Mann hosts private meeting of local Conservatives as they pick their PCC candidate Cambs Times 5/12/2015 News Bedfordshire PCC loses Labour support amidst ‘corrupt cowards’ claims Olly Martins faces a deselection battle following 'trigger ballot' decision at Luton South Labour branch meeting last night Policing Insight - Subscription at source 4/12/2015 News War on Terror: A ‘zero tolerance’ policing approach? Neda Nobari from the University of Leeds looks at some of the challenges associated with the police response to the terrorist threat. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 4/12/2015 Opinion Why PCCs should welcome a ‘Rehabilitation Devolution’ Independent researcher Rob Allen introduces a new report, "Rehabilitation Devolution", which argues that localising justice can reduce crime and imprisonment Policing Insight - Subscription at source 4/12/2015 Opinion Conservative candidate for Cambridgeshire PCC selected Policing Insight 4/12/2015 News «482848294830483148324833483448354836Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events