Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 96441 to 96460 «481948204821482248234824482548264827Next ›Last » Jersey child abuse was covered up, says former police chief The Times - Subscription at source 13/1/2016 News Future police officers discover benefits of yoga training SFGate 13/1/2016 News Police forces’ collaboration agreement with routinely armed police Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/1/2016 News Why PCCs are here to stay The Guardian 13/1/2016 Feature, Opinion Greater Manchester Police standards unit faces inquiry BBC 13/1/2016 News Child Sexual Exploitation Proactive Scrutiny Report Recommendations to Hampshire & IOW Police and Crime Panel from PCC. Until the outcomes of the review are known the Commissioner is unable to provide an assurance that a wide spread or unknown issue of exploitation, like that seen in Rotherham, does not exist within the Hampshire policing area. Hampshire OPCC 12/1/2016 Report Weekly “Media Monitor” summary… Our Weekly Review, drawing heavily on our popular Media Monitor database Policing Insight - Subscription at source 12/1/2016 News Public consultation announced on future of Northamptonshire Police buildings Northamptonshire OPCC 12/1/2016 News CoPaCC’s PCC Candidate Support Programme: Three further briefings announced Drawing on feedback from CoPaCC's first "PCC Candidate Briefing" event in December 2016, Bernard Rix sets out plans for further briefings from February and invites expressions of interest in attending Policing Insight 12/1/2016 News PCSOs being trained as firefighters will be paid annual retainers Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/1/2016 News Virginia judge: Police can demand a suspect unlock a phone with a fingerprint ars technica 12/1/2016 News Prime Minister’s speech on life chances 12/1/2016 Report Police merger between Beds and Herts Police ‘is inevitable’ Bedford Today 12/1/2016 News Warning of dating app dangers as crimes increase Sky News 12/1/2016 News 999 hoaxers ‘should have their mobile blacklisted’ MayorWatch 12/1/2016 News Police and Crime Panels: Facing the future Frontline Consulting 12/1/2016 Report Thames Valley Police and Crime Plan Review 2015 The plan is an important mechanism for communicating Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC) intentions to the public, partner agencies, the Police and Crime Panel and others. Thames Valley OPCC 11/1/2016 Report Report to Wiltshire Police and Crime Panel January 2016 Review of Best Practice for Police and Crime Panels This report looks at a summary of recent research, consultation and publications. Overall, there appear to be some common themes emerging with regard to good practice or success of PCPs Wiltshire OPCC 11/1/2016 Report In praise of ‘Little Data’ Dr Adrian James of the University of Portsmouth, a former Metropolitan Police detective, identifies potential weaknesses in policing's pursuit of Big Data. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 11/1/2016 Analysis Policing Insight founder interviewed on ITV News At Ten ITV News research reveals that many PCCs don't want to be re-elected or are still undecided whether they're standing again Policing Insight 11/1/2016 News «481948204821482248234824482548264827Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events