Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 96341 to 96360 «481448154816481748184819482048214822Next ›Last » Proportionate approach to the number of Taser trained officers Policing Insight 23/1/2016 News CEO Martin Wyke sets out what we will (and won’t) be doing in the future Police ICT Company 23/1/2016 Analysis, Feature Why we need a different discussion about crime Crest Advisory 23/1/2016 Feature, Opinion Destruction of Historical Enquiries Team was massive mistake, says ex-police chief Orde The body was disbanded in 2014 as a result of cuts and after a report by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC), led to the HET's director, Dave Cox, resigning. Belfast Telegraph 22/1/2016 News Police chiefs wary of diluting world class training with ‘one-for-all’ policy on Tasers Deputy Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu, NPCC Lead for Less Lethal Weapons, said: "We have agreed that the current threat and risk picture in the UK does not justify a roll-out of Taser to all officers who volunteer at this time; a roll out of this kind could challenge the UK policing model and the principle of policing by consent. Police Professional 22/1/2016 News Stephen Lawrence Murder: MPS allows ‘under inquiry ‘ commander to retire. Police Professional 22/1/2016 News Report from Police and Crime Panel Working Group – West Sussex The Group’s recommendations are intended to inform the Panel’s statutory scrutiny of the proposed Plan variation, and the proposed policing precept, at its formal meeting on 22 January 2016. Sussex OPCC 22/1/2016 Report Report detailing Bedfordshire PCC’s reaction and proposed actions following the HMIC report: PEEL Police effectiveness 2015 OF THE POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER FOR BEDFORDSHIRE The HMIC report on vulnerability looks to examine how Bedfordshire Police identifies and manages vulnerability. Bedfordshire OPCC 22/1/2016 Report Gwent Police and Crime Panel Meeting January 22nd 2016 – Crime Budget and Precept Proposal Proposed Appointment of the Chief of Staff for the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent. Verbal update by the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent. Police and Crime Budget and Precept Proposal 2016/17 Forward Work Programme. Gwent OPCC 22/1/2016 Report Report To The Police & Crime Panel for Sussex From: The Police & Crime Commissioner for Sussex Recommendation: That the Police & Crime Panel – i) review the proposed precept; and ii) report to the Commissioner on the proposed precept. Sussex OPCC 22/1/2016 Report New report promotes joined up working on serious offenders 22/1/2016 News PCC’s company car perk authorised two years late Police Oracle - Subscription at source 22/1/2016 News Victim services at risk unless MoJ confirms funding, PCCs warn BBC 22/1/2016 News Dyfed-Powys Police has made improvements to how it protects children, however is still not performing well in some areas. I am encouraged by these improvements; however there are still a number of areas that require improvement. Delays in a number of areas, such as forensic medical examinations, and examination of computer equipment and electronic devices, are still undermining investigations. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 21/1/2016 Report West Mercia Police has made improvements to how it protects children, however is still not performing well in some areas. As child protection is such an important area to get right, there are still areas where we would like to see the force improve. It needs to improve the time it takes to examine computer and electronic devices, as the current delays undermine ongoing investigations. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 21/1/2016 Report Soaring crime rates show robust police force ‘more vital than ever’. Steve White, Chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales, said: “Now is not the time to be taking the foot off the policing pedal. These figures show an alarming rise in recorded crime, which is what we, as a Federation, have been saying all along. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW), Police Magazine (Police Federation EW) 21/1/2016 News Surrey Police failures highlighted in death of electrician after cocaine overdose in custody. A man who died two days after consuming cocaine while detained in a police van may have had a better chance of surviving if police officers had acted differently, an Independent Police Complaints Commission report published today has found. - See more at: Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) 21/1/2016 Report Investigation calls for national water rescue guidance following the death of Darren Wakefield in Plymouth The IPCC investigation found that officers involved in the initial pursuit and subsequent rescue attempts of Mr Wakefield acted within professional guidelines. We have though advised the NPCC that all forces should have better guidelines for working with other agencies when dealing with water rescues.” Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) 21/1/2016 Report PCC candidate to unveil political running mate Western Morning News 21/1/2016 News Police chiefs respond to release of latest crime statistics National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 21/1/2016 Feature, Opinion «481448154816481748184819482048214822Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events