Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 96301 to 96320 «481248134814481548164817481848194820Next ›Last » Legislation to allow PCCs to take responsibility for their local fire service 26/1/2016 Report Weekly “Media Monitor” summary… Our Weekly Review, drawing heavily on our popular Media Monitor database Policing Insight - Subscription at source 26/1/2016 News 100 days to the PCC elections: Candidates, here’s how you win… Simon Bullock identifies factors that will distinguish successful candidates (and future PCCs) from the unsuccessful Policing Insight - Subscription at source 26/1/2016 Analysis Stepping up: Strengthening police, youth, and community relations Youth Justice Board 26/1/2016 Report Home Affairs Committee launches new inquiry into proceeds of crime Police Oracle - Subscription at source 26/1/2016 News Fire chiefs could run police in ‘dangerous move’ Sky News 26/1/2016 News PCC Sue Mountstevens confirms she will be standing for re-election Bristol Live 26/1/2016 News PCC accused of ‘cronyism’ for promoting from within own party Police Professional - Subscription at source 26/1/2016 News Emergency services ‘should share control rooms’ BBC 26/1/2016 News Report from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner to North Wales Police and Crime Panel – Precept and Council Tax 2016/17 The purpose of this report is to review the financial situation of the Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales and to make recommendations for the 2016/17 precept and council tax. North Wales OPCC 25/1/2016 Report Hundreds of police jobs at risk as nuclear sites close Police Professional - Subscription at source 25/1/2016 News Victims of crimes are ill-served by the justice system: This bill will change that The Guardian 25/1/2016 Feature, Opinion Picturing the police station: What does your ‘Cop Shop’ mean to you? Professor Mike Rowe provides the background to a new study of police stations. He invites your contribution to an appreciation of an aspect of policing that has received scant attention to date Policing Insight - Subscription at source 25/1/2016 News Report to Cumbria PCP re: PCP COMPLAINT INVESTIGATION POWERS The purpose of this report is to brief the Police and Crime Panel on the Government consultation into increasing the powers of the PCP to deal with complaints against the PCC. Cumbria OPCC 25/1/2016 Report Cumbria Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner Proposal and Medium Term Budget 2016/17 to 2019/20 The purpose of this report is to provide for members of the Police and Crime Panel an overview of the medium term financial outlook. It includes the proposal for the precept that the Commissioner is presenting to the Panel for their views as part his budget setting process. Cumbria OPCC 25/1/2016 Report Cumbria Constabulary Keeping Cumbria Safe 2016 – 2020 -Report for Police and Crime Panel, January 2016 The purpose of this document is to provide the Police and Crime Panel with information about the Constabulary to inform the precept discussion. The document seeks to explain the current policing environment and the complexities and uncertainties that exist for the service over the next four year period to 2020. Cumbria OPCC 25/1/2016 Report Report to Cumbria Police and Crime Panel – Revenue Budget Monitoring 2015/16 Quarter 2 to September 2015 The attached report provides an update of the financial position for 2015/16 based on the actual and committed spending for the first six months, to September 2015, plus a forecast for the remainder of the year. Cumbria OPCC 25/1/2016 Report Cumbria Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner Report This report provides an update on the delivery of the Police and Crime Plan 2013-17, ‘Making Cumbria an Even Safer Place’. It focuses on work linked to priority 3 in the Police and Crime Plan and the three objectives embedded within priority 3; namely Domestic Abuse, Sexual Violence and Hate Crime. Cumbria OPCC 25/1/2016 Report New Temporary Chief Constable leading Cleveland Police into 2016 Cleveland Police 25/1/2016 News Dangerous associations: Joint enterprise gangs and racism Centre for Crime and Justice Studies 25/1/2016 Report «481248134814481548164817481848194820Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events