Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 96281 to 96300 «481148124813481448154816481748184819Next ›Last » Baroness Helen Newlove reappointed as Victims’ Commissioner 29/1/2016 News Michael Gove in U-turn over legal aid fund The Guardian 29/1/2016 News West Midlands: Our vision, values and ambition West Midlands Police 29/1/2016 Analysis, Feature Crime in England and Wales, year ending September 2015 Office for National Statistics (ONS) 29/1/2016 Report 9% fewer children entering the youth justice system than a year ago Youth Justice Board 29/1/2016 News Contest to become the first mayor of the West Midlands has already begun Birmingham Post 28/1/2016 News Former MP not selected as Labour’s candidate for Derbyshire PCC Derbyshire Live 28/1/2016 News Mental health crisis takes huge and increasing share of police time The Guardian 28/1/2016 News Tory police candidate slams ‘unseen cost of immigration’ as force has £100,000 bill for interpreters Western Daily Press 28/1/2016 News Home Secretary speech at the Police ICT Company suppliers conference 27/1/2016 Report UK police have 43 separate IT systems and it’s putting you at risk The Register 27/1/2016 News Police ICT Suppliers’ Briefing: To-the-minute updates A "Live Blog" of the Police ICT Company "Suppliers' Summit: Shaping the future: smarter working together and partnering for reform" Policing Insight - Subscription at source 27/1/2016 News Police ICT Company: Shaping the future together Slides from today's presentation at the "Suppliers Summit" by CEO of the Police ICT Company, Martin Wyke, indicating how the fledgling organisation intends to approach reform of police technology and procurement and working with suppliers. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 27/1/2016 News Report To South Yorkshire Police And Crime Panel – Precept Proposal For 2016/17 This report informs the Police and Crime Panel of South Yorkshire on the Police and Crime Commissioner’s proposed council tax precept for 2016/17. South Yorkshire OPCC 27/1/2016 Report HMICS publish review of Police Scotland’s use of facial search An independent commissioner should be appointed to oversee police use of fingerprints, DNA and photographs of people taken into custody in Scotland. The Herald (Scotland) 27/1/2016 Report HMICS Audit and Assurance Review of the use of the Facial Search functionality within the UK Police National Database (PND) by Police Scotland The aim of this audit and assurance review is to consider the state, effectiveness and efficiency of the arrangements surrounding the use by Police Scotland of the facial search technology capabilities contained within the UK Police National Database (PND). - Police Scotland 27/1/2016 Report Tories delay PCC candidate selection due to ‘rush of interest’ Daily Echo (Southern) 27/1/2016 News CEO sets out a vision for an efficient and intelligent service Police ICT Company 27/1/2016 Feature, Opinion London Mayor to gain direct control over capital’s fire brigade Ministers have confirmed that London’s fire authority is to be abolished and responsibility for providing fire services passed to the mayor. MayorWatch 26/1/2016 News Row between Scotland Yard and police watchdog lands taxpayer with massive bill Britain’s most senior police officer has spent thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ money in a bitter legal battle with the police watchdog, it can be disclosed. The Telegraph 26/1/2016 News «481148124813481448154816481748184819Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events