Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 96261 to 96280 «481048114812481348144815481648174818Next ›Last » Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed-Powys 2016/17 Precept and Draft Budget I have consulted with the Chief Constable (CC) and have determined an initial position on the budget for 2016/17. This has informed my decision on the police precept. Dyfed-Powys OPCC 4/2/2016 Report View from the Police ICT summit Vigilant Research 4/2/2016 Feature, Opinion PCC facing backlash for ‘attacking’ former chief constable publishes correspondence online Police Oracle 4/2/2016 News Warwickshire PCC slams ‘inept’ IPCC after Plebgate officer cleared Stratford Observer 4/2/2016 News Fixing the UK’s mental health crisis will need both police and health The Guardian 4/2/2016 Feature, Opinion Submission to HASC on Prevent by the Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation 4/2/2016 Report Prevent strategy ‘sowing mistrust and fear in Muslim communities’ The Guardian 4/2/2016 News Cambridgeshire Police And Crime Plan Variation. The Police and Crime Panel to review the variations to the Plan provided with this report. Cambridgeshire OPCC 3/2/2016 Report Report of Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Commissioner – Estates And Frontline Policing The paper outlines the Police and Crime Commissioner’s strategic direction of the Estate, having regard to the agile working, contact points and collaboration, and to demonstrate how an annual saving of circa £700,000 can be identified by the end of the 2016/17 budget year. Cambridgeshire OPCC 3/2/2016 Report Decisions By Cambridgeshire Police And Crime Commissioner This report is being presented to the Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel (“the Panel”) to enable it to review or scrutinise decisions taken by the Police and Crime Commissioner. Cambridgeshire OPCC 3/2/2016 Report West Midlands Police cut front line staff by a fifth in a bid to save money Coventry Live 3/2/2016 News Motoring accidents make up more than half police compensation payments BBC 3/2/2016 News Police say they can only reach ‘half’ of 1200 incidents a day Echo (Essex) 3/2/2016 News OPCC releases letters between PCC and Chief Constable Surrey OPCC 3/2/2016 Report The police on Twitter: image management, community building, and implications for policing in Canada Taylor & Francis Online 3/2/2016 Report PCCs increase council tax to recruit more officers Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/2/2016 News Police and Crime Panel supports PCC’s plan for precept cuts Hertfordshire OPCC 3/2/2016 News Surrey PCC under fire for criticising new NCA chief The Guardian 3/2/2016 News Northamptonshire Police And Crime Plan Performance Update This report sets out the work undertaken by the Northamptonshire Police and Crime Commission since the last meeting of the Police and Crime panel which took place on the 17th December 2015. Northamptonshire OPCC 2/2/2016 Report Report on Proposed Precept for 2016-17 in Dorset This report sets out the proposed 2016-17 precept for the Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset for consideration by the Police and Crime Panel. Devon & Cornwall OPCC 2/2/2016 Report «481048114812481348144815481648174818Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events