Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 96261 to 96280 «481048114812481348144815481648174818Next ›Last » Gloucestershire Police adopt new tool to help communicate with vulnerable communities Gazette (Gloucestershire) 1/2/2016 News Cleveland PCC’s report on ‘Britain together as one nation’ Within Cleveland, the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and the Police have undertaken considerable work to improve community cohesion and integration and to challenge social isolation. The key initiatives undertaken are listed below. Cleveland OPCC 31/1/2016 Report Cambridgeshire PCC’s proposed budget and precept for 2016/17 The Panel is recommended to review and make a report to the Commissioner on the proposed precept for 2016/17. Cambridgeshire OPCC 31/1/2016 Report Revenue Budget 2016/17 Report from the Bedfordshire PCC In the delivery of the Commissioner’s commitments the 2016/17 budget reflects both the short term requirements of balancing the 2016/17 revenue budget with the resources available but also considers the longer term medium term financial plan. Bedfordshire OPCC 31/1/2016 Report Initial Report from Eastern Region PCP Network Meeting 27th November 2016 I believe we as a Panel have already agreed to join an Eastern Region network subject to a satisfactory report back from Friday’s meeting and my view was that it was an excellent forum which all 7 Panels agreed they wanted to join up, but most have to now report back and get formal panel approval, which has been requested by 10th December. Bedfordshire OPCC 31/1/2016 Report Report of the Bedfordshire PCC 04-02-16 to the Police and Crime Panel The overview of activity illustrates the wide ranging nature of the Commissioner’s role and responsibilities. This report is limited to setting out the engagement activity and strategic decision making. Bedfordshire OPCC 31/1/2016 Report Policing Authority chief says priorities are appointments and resources The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 31/1/2016 News Blue light services will get 4G on London Tube!” “Cool, how?” “Errrrm…” The Register 31/1/2016 News Review of racial bias and BAME representation in Criminal Justice System announced 31/1/2016 Report Conservative PCC Candidates’ national campaign website 29/1/2016 UK PCC Elections PCC candidate pledges to ‘draw line’ under falling police numbers in Nottinghamshire Chad (Nottinghamshire) 29/1/2016 News Detective who caught Milly Dowler’s killer to stand for Suffolk PCC Ipswich Star 29/1/2016 News Labour group ‘steadfastly’ behind PCC Olly Martins, a month after voting against his re-selection Luton Today 29/1/2016 News UKIP’s Victoria Ayling lays out her plans for Lincolnshire’s police force Louth Leader 29/1/2016 News HMIC Inspection of Staffordshire Police – Vulnerability Report of the Police & Crime Commissioner This report updates the Panel on the oversight arrangements through the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner that support action taken by Staffordshire Police in response to the recent HMIC Effectiveness Inspection on Vulnerability. Staffordshire OPCC 29/1/2016 Report PCC for Staffordshire: Draft budget and precept 2016/17 The PCC has submitted his Draft Budget and Precept for consideration by this Panel.PCC to notify Panel of proposed Precept by 1 February 2016 Panel to review proposed Precept by 8 February 2016 At this point the Panel has to decide whether to support or veto the proposed Precept. Staffordshire OPCC 29/1/2016 Report Boris snubs Met police chief over contract extension The Times - Subscription at source 29/1/2016 News Young reoffending at highest level for decade The Times - Subscription at source 29/1/2016 News PCCs back lowering of drink-drive alcohol limit as change heads for Parliament Police Professional - Subscription at source 29/1/2016 News Custody visiting and PCCs – a briefing for candidates Independent Custody Visiting Association 29/1/2016 Report «481048114812481348144815481648174818Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events