Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98644 total results. Showing results 96181 to 96200 «480648074808480948104811481248134814Next ›Last » Avon And Somerset Police And Crime Panel Commissioner’s Update Report The following briefing provides an update for Panel Members on key activities since the last Panel meeting on 7 December 2015. Avon & Somerset OPCC 8/2/2016 Report Scrutiny Of Delivery Against The Police And Crime Plan – Domestic And Sexual Violence Priority This report sets out performance headlines and examples of initiatives to enable members of the Police and Crime Panel to scrutinise delivery against the Police and Crime Plan, focusing on the priority Tackling Domestic and Sexual Abuse, particularly towards women and children. Avon & Somerset OPCC 8/2/2016 Report Big redundancy payouts to PCC staff could be stopped under plan Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/2/2016 News Police ‘ponder eagles to tackle drones’ BBC 8/2/2016 News “I’d fix London’s police the way I sorted Chicago’s”: We hear from top US cop in line to run Met The Sun 8/2/2016 News Leader of Lib Dems on Cardiff Council to stand in PCC elections Wales Online 8/2/2016 News UKIP PCC candidate questions salary package of Essex Police’s chief constable East Anglian Daily Times 8/2/2016 News Why is it that crime falls, yet we imprison more people than ever? The Independent 8/2/2016 Feature, Opinion Hampshire Police and Crime Panel Proactive Scrutiny of ‘’Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery” – Evidence Evidence from various agencies on how well they consider the Police Crime Commissioner is doing in terms of supporting and working with agencies concerned with Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery. Hampshire OPCC 7/2/2016 Report Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery – Hampshire & IOW Police and Crime Panel: Proactive Scrutiny 2015/16 The session will invite written evidence from a range of stakeholders who may be able to assist the Panel with their proactive scrutiny of how the PCC can further encourage a partnership approach in preventing and reducing the impact of human trafficking and modern slavery, as a serious and organised crime. Hampshire OPCC 7/2/2016 Report Government tables controversial proposal to hide identities of MPs who have been arrested The Independent 7/2/2016 News Prisoners on parole to be fitted with alcohol detector tags The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 7/2/2016 News ‘No-one seems interested in helping’: Frustrated Met officer live-tweets battle to find mental health bed for man who is ‘danger to himself’ The Standard 7/2/2016 News Met police chief ‘unhappy with one-year contract’ The Times - Subscription at source 6/2/2016 News Flint House: Why have access arrangements changed without notice? Former West Mercia Superintendent Andy Parkes examines recent changes to health care arrangements at policing's rehabilitation and convalescent centre Policing Insight - Subscription at source 6/2/2016 Opinion IPCC and PCCs gain decision-making powers in shake up of complaints and discipline system Police Professional - Subscription at source 6/2/2016 News West Yorkshire Police And Crime Panel – Precept Proposal 2016/17 Rejection by the Panel of the revised precept does not prevent the PCC issuing it as his precept for the forthcoming financial year. West Yorkshire OPCC 5/2/2016 Report Devon & Cornwall Police and Crime Panel Workplan – requests for further information Devon & Cornwall OPCC 5/2/2016 Report Tories quietly slash police fund after George Osborne promised ‘no cuts at all’ Mirror, The Guardian 5/2/2016 News Police data could be labelling ‘suspects’ for crimes they have not committed The Guardian 5/2/2016 News «480648074808480948104811481248134814Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events