Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 96061 to 96080 «480048014802480348044805480648074808Next ›Last » Police forces performing well in three quarters of areas inspected HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 24/2/2016 News Essex PCC ‘not comfortable’ with local police levels Heart 24/2/2016 News Theresa May set to shift police funds to Tory-run rural forces The Guardian 24/2/2016 News Weekly “Media Monitor” summary… Our Weekly Review, drawing heavily on our popular Media Monitor database Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/2/2016 News PCC to hold hearing into unacceptable motorway delays following public outrage West Midlands OPCC 22/2/2016 News Police takeover would become an attack on pay and conditions Fire Brigades Union 22/2/2016 Feature, Opinion North Wales Police fork out more than £1m on employment tribunals North Wales Live 22/2/2016 News A look back on my time as Derbyshire’s PCC Police and Crime Commissioners have covered new ground – Alan Charles, Derbyshire’s PCC, looks back at his own tenure as he prepares to step down, identifying lessons for those that follow Policing Insight - Subscription at source 22/2/2016 Opinion Policing at a crossroads Following publication of HMIC's inspection of police force effectiveness, the Police Foundation's Rick Muir argues that crime has changed but the police workforce has not adapted accordingly. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 22/2/2016 Analysis Seven reasons (so far) why PCC candidates’ views on Europe now matter Bernard Rix, CEO of CoPaCC and Policing Insight, examines how the EU referendum impacts on the PCC elections Policing Insight - Subscription at source 22/2/2016 Analysis Staying in EU ‘exposes UK to terror risk’, says Iain Duncan Smith BBC 21/2/2016 News Cliff Richard detectives told to ‘put up or shut up’ by PCC appalled at star’s treatment Mirror 21/2/2016 News Metropolitan Police short of 800 detectives in boroughs The Standard 20/2/2016 News Motorola Solutions completes acquisition of Airwave Emergency Services Times 20/2/2016 News MoJ Single Departmental Plan: 2015 to 2020 20/2/2016 Report Theresa May to campaign for Britain to remain in EU ITV News 20/2/2016 News New Chief Executive appointed at the Crown Prosecution Service Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 19/2/2016 News PCC extends chief constable’s contract Devon & Cornwall OPCC 19/2/2016 News Digital courts: Evidence for the prosecution Will Mosseri-Marlio, a researcher at the Reform think tank, identifies key elements from Reform's recent report - including possible savings of £27million per year. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 19/2/2016 Analysis Half of Met police officers convicted of criminal offences in past decade still work for the force The Standard 19/2/2016 News «480048014802480348044805480648074808Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events