Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 96041 to 96060 «479948004801480248034804480548064807Next ›Last » The changing role of ICT in emergency and disaster response CeBIT 26/2/2016 Analysis, Feature Staffordshire Police £100m deal with Boeing BBC 26/2/2016 News Crime rate to double once cyber offences included in figures, says Labour The Guardian 26/2/2016 News Government cancels £21m bespoke tagging deal with Steatite BBC 26/2/2016 News Boeing awarded £100m Staffordshire Police IT contract Express & Star 26/2/2016 News New deputy chief constable with ‘wealth of experience’ to join Lincolnshire Police Lincolnshire Echo 26/2/2016 News Jeremy Corbyn condemns ‘reckless’ Tory policing cuts at campaign launch Mail Online 26/2/2016 News Sexting, young people and the police: Working towards a common-sense solution Following announcement yesterday of Sussex Police's DCC Olivia Pinkney as the Hampshire PCC's 'preferred candidate' for Chief Constable, we republish a recent article by DCC Pinkney on the police response to sexting Policing Insight - Subscription at source 26/2/2016 Analysis Offender management: Electronic monitoring (tagging) 25/2/2016 Report Sobriety tags trial to be extended across London MayorWatch 25/2/2016 News Force awards Boeing £100 million IT contract Police Oracle - Subscription at source 25/2/2016 News Future police funding to depend on more collaboration Police Oracle - Subscription at source 25/2/2016 News Corbyn: Labour would keep PCCs BBC 25/2/2016 News Basics for PCC candidates: 10 weeks to go In the first of a short series, Simon Bullock of CoPaCC offers some insights into what PCC candidates should be addressing at this point in their election campaign Policing Insight - Registration at source 25/2/2016 UK PCC Elections Cumbria HMIC PEEL Assessment HMIC released its annual assessment of Cumbria Constabulary for 2015 on 25th February 2016. This draws together the outcomes of the 3 main PEEL inspections, along with a report on Leadership. Cumbria OPCC 25/2/2016 Report The Apple-FBI fight isn’t about privacy vs security. Don’t be misled Wired 25/2/2016 Analysis, Feature PCC reacts to grooming trial verdict South Yorkshire OPCC 25/2/2016 News Police and academics developing system to map crime hotspots The Guardian 25/2/2016 News Response to HMIC State of Policing 2015 National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 25/2/2016 Report State of Policing: The annual assessment of policing in England and Wales 2015 HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 24/2/2016 Report «479948004801480248034804480548064807Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events