Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 95941 to 95960 «479447954796479747984799480048014802Next ›Last » Lancashire Police And Crime Panel Complaints Procedure – Draft. Lancashire OPCC 8/3/2016 Report Police and Crime Panel Budget 2015/16 This report outlines Panel expenditure to date in 2015/16 and confirms expenditure for 2014/15. Lancashire OPCC 8/3/2016 Report Police and Crime Plan Monitoring Report – Appendix A The User Satisfaction Survey is a monthly telephone survey that monitors satisfaction from victims of crime. The survey is a Home Office requirement and the data informs service improvements locally. Lancashire OPCC 8/3/2016 Report Police and Crime Plan Performance Monitoring Report The Purpose of this report is to provide Members of the Panel with an update on progress in delivering the Police and Crime Plan (the Plan) for Lancashire 2013-2018 including a performance report. See Appendix for details. Lancashire OPCC 8/3/2016 Report Draft Annual Report 2015/16 Lancashire PCC Clive Grunshaw stated "This the final annual report of my administration, it is a good time to reflect over my term of office and the achievements and challenges I and my colleagues have faced along the way." Lancashire OPCC 8/3/2016 Report EMPAC: ‘The time is now’ to showcase what policing and academia can achieve together IPSCJ Director Laura Knight reports on last week's launch of the East Midlands Policing Academic Collaboration (EMPAC), which included the College of Policing's Rachel Tuffin (pictured) as guest speaker Policing Insight - Subscription at source 8/3/2016 News Weekly “Media Monitor” summary… Our Weekly Review, drawing heavily on our popular Media Monitor database Policing Insight - Subscription at source 8/3/2016 News What do PCCs REALLY think about chief constables and HMIC? Policing Insight previews two articles by Dr Mark Roycroft of the University of East Anglia containing insights from his forthcoming book on "The Role of PCCs" Policing Insight 8/3/2016 News Nicola Sturgeon loans press chief to Police Scotland The Telegraph - Registration at source 8/3/2016 News Police use of force Mental Health Cop blog 8/3/2016 Feature, Opinion Sell cannabis to over-18s in licensed shops, says Lib Dem panel The Guardian 8/3/2016 News Police use of force needs recording better, IPCC says BBC 8/3/2016 News IPCC police complaints body to be rebranded and reformed The Telegraph - Registration at source 8/3/2016 News IPCC Use of Force Report Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) 8/3/2016 Report Mentally ill four times more likely to die after police use of force Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/3/2016 News Tuesday, 15th March: PCC candidates’ National Briefing Speakers include the Police ICT Company, the Superintendents' Association, the Committee on Standards in Public Life, Victim Support, leading policing auditor Grant Thornton and leading law firm Bird & Bird Policing Insight 8/3/2016 News Chief constable’s retirement prompts merger speculation Police Oracle - Subscription at source 7/3/2016 News Home Secretary announces reforms to IPCC 7/3/2016 News End of Term Report West Mercia OPCC 7/3/2016 Report Forecasting turnout at the 2016 PCC elections Bernard Rix of CoPaCC identifies the force areas where turnout in May 2016's PCC elections is likely to be higher Policing Insight - Registration at source 7/3/2016 Analysis, UK PCC Elections «479447954796479747984799480048014802Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events