Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 95881 to 95900 «479147924793479447954796479747984799Next ›Last » Surrey PCC claims he wants to ‘batter’ and ‘break criminal’s legs’ in bizarre online rant Surrey Live 11/3/2016 News Ex-Kent youth PCC Kerry Boyd recalls stress of role BBC 11/3/2016 News Cambridgeshire PCP– Adminitstrative Costs And Member Expenses his report provides details about the budget claimed to support Cambridgeshire’s Police and Crime Panel, including the expenses and allowances of Panel Members. Cambridgeshire OPCC 11/3/2016 Report Police And Crime Plan Variation – Appendix 1 Finances Update To review and make a report or recommendation on the draft Plan, or draft variation, given to the Panel by the Commissioner. Cambridgeshire OPCC 11/3/2016 Report Report of Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Commissioner into Public Engagement. he purpose of this report is to provide the Police and Crime Panel with an update on how the Police and Crime Commissioner is engaging with the public to obtain greater public participation and what value this is having. Cambridgeshire OPCC 11/3/2016 Report Report of Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Commissioner into Rural Crime The purpose of this paper is to report to Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel how Cambridgeshire Constabulary tackle rural crime and what support mechanisms are in place for Special Constables in rural areas. Cambridgeshire OPCC 11/3/2016 Report Report of Cambridgeshire PCC in to Community Safety Partnerships. The purpose of the report is to provide the Police and Crime Panel with the outcome of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s review of Community Safety Partnerships and how they have used their crime and disorder reduction grants to help secure the reduction of crime and disorder in Cambridgeshire. Cambridgeshire OPCC 11/3/2016 Report Decisions By Cambridgeshire Police And Crime Commissioner his report is being presented to the Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Panel to enable it to review or scrutinise decisions taken by the Police and Crime Commissioner. Cambridgeshire OPCC 11/3/2016 Report Update from the PCC on the Safer, Fairer, United Communities for Staffordshire. The purpose of this report is to update the Police and Crime Panel on progress with regard to the development and implementation of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Public Confidence priority in Staffordshire. Staffordshire OPCC 11/3/2016 Report HMIC Inspections of Staffordshire Police – Report to PCP Through the oversight arrangements that the Police and Crime Commissioner has in place, this report further updates the Panel on the progress of Staffordshire Police in responding to the HMIC Vulnerability inspection. Staffordshire OPCC 11/3/2016 Report Scrutiny Of Delivery Against The Police And Crime Plan Anti Social Behaviour Priority It was agreed to scrutinise the Police and Crime Plan priorities in turn with a focus on performance, success in delivery and remaining areas for improvement in each area. Avon & Somerset OPCC 11/3/2016 Report Avon And Somerset Police And Crime Panel Commissioner’s Update Report The following briefing provides an update for Panel Members on key activities since the last Panel meeting on 8 February 2016. Avon & Somerset OPCC 11/3/2016 Report Report to the Thames Valley Police & Crime Panel – Domestic Abuse HMIC reported that the Force had made good progress since last year and has improved how it tackles domestic abuse. Thames Valley OPCC 11/3/2016 Report Finance and Performance Monitoring Report to Thames Valley PCP Members of the Panel have asked for a six monthly report on finance and performance monitoring to help to demonstrate transparency, accountability and effective governance within his office. Thames Valley OPCC 11/3/2016 Report Thames Valley OPCC Strategic Delivery Plan – 2015/16 Thames Valley OPCC 11/3/2016 Report Force Performance Summary for April to December 2015 (Provisional) Thames Valley OPCC 11/3/2016 Report Report from the Preventing Child Sexual Exploitation Sub-Committee This report includes recommendations from this meeting combined with a follow up on previous recommendations. Thames Valley OPCC 11/3/2016 Report Complaints, Integrity and Ethics Panel Report to the PCC and Chief Constable for Thames Valley. The purpose of this report is to present the Panel’s overall annual assessment and assurance statement. Thames Valley OPCC 11/3/2016 Report Report to the Thames Valley Police and Crime Panel – General Issues Thames Valley OPCC 11/3/2016 Report Police and Crime Panels: How are they doing? CoPaCC analyst Sandra Andrews takes a look at the work of Police and Crime Panels, and identifies some key lessons to be learned. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 11/3/2016 Analysis «479147924793479447954796479747984799Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events