Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 95861 to 95880 «479047914792479347944795479647974798Next ›Last » Almost every force and university now enjoys Subscriber access to Almost all police forces, plus universities with police-oriented research, now have organisation-wide Subscriber level access to Policing Insight. Here's how to check yours... Policing Insight 15/3/2016 News Weekly “Media Monitor” summary… Our Weekly Review, drawing heavily on our popular Media Monitor database Policing Insight - Subscription at source 14/3/2016 News Communicating ambiguity – a challenge for police leaders The Police Foundation 14/3/2016 Analysis, Feature Getting to grips with the PCC and Chief Constable relationship The Police Foundation 14/3/2016 Analysis, Feature Boosting London’s Frontline Policing Policy Exchange 14/3/2016 Report Farewell, IPCC. But will its replacement be any better? Jim Mallen, Chair of Bedfordshire Police Federation, examines the IPCC's recent "Use of Force" report and considers its transition to the Office for Police Conduct Policing Insight - Subscription at source 14/3/2016 Opinion Summary List of Actions This report sets out for noting actions arising from previous meetings of the MOPAC. Policing Insight 14/3/2016 Report Monthly Report to the Police and Crime Committee This report is provided to the Police and Crime Committee (PCC) for its 17 March 2016 meeting to assist the Committee to exercise its function in scrutinising and supporting the Mayor’s Office for Policing And Crime (MOPAC) and to hold it to account. Policing Insight 14/3/2016 Report Monitoring the Mayor’s Police and Crime Priorities – Appendix 1 This paper sets out an update on progress against the Mayor's policing and crime objectives, as set out his Police and Crime Plan 2013-2016. Policing Insight 14/3/2016 Report PCC election purdah: Many questions to be resolved The PCC elections in May 2016 will be the first with incumbents, some (or many) of whom may seek re-election. This article identifies many as-yet-unanswered questions about PCC election purdah, together representing a potential minefield for forces, OPCCs and others to navigate. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 14/3/2016 Analysis PCC moves office to Police HQ while possible replacement suggests moving it to Plymouth The Herald (Scotland) 13/3/2016 UK PCC Elections Greater Manchester mayor questions George Osborne’s policing pledge BBC 13/3/2016 News London Mayor election: Sadiq Khan ‘Crime & Security’ manifesto Sadiq.London 13/3/2016 UK PCC Elections Police to get phone hacking powers The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 13/3/2016 News Kent PCC Ann Barnes rules out re-election BBC 12/3/2016 UK PCC Elections UKIP PCC Manifesto 2016 UKIP 12/3/2016 UK PCC Elections Coming to the end of my term as Kent’s PCC Kent OPCC 12/3/2016 News New forensic science service planned BBC 12/3/2016 News Hampshire PCP recommends appointment of new chief constable Hampshire OPCC 11/3/2016 News Policing Insight launches PCC “Elections 2016” section… We're getting ready for the PCC elections across England and Wales on Thursday, 5th May 2016 and the associated election campaigns... Policing Insight 11/3/2016 News «479047914792479347944795479647974798Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events