Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 95841 to 95860 «478947904791479247934794479547964797Next ›Last » Road offence ‘reduction’ may be due to police cuts – MPs BBC 16/3/2016 News Sussex PCC: Improving policing by engaging hard to reach young people Compact Voice 16/3/2016 Feature, Opinion Information management and the police use of force The IPCC’s recent report on police use of force has generated much praise and some grumbles. Stephen Roberts of Vigilant Research identifies some important lessons for assessing how police forces capture and analyse information Policing Insight - Subscription at source 16/3/2016 Analysis Keeping confidence on the agenda Professor Kevin Morrell of Warwick Business School previews a Conference on Policing and Public Confidence taking place on March 29th, 2016 Policing Insight 16/3/2016 News Far right police in the UK? CateMoore 16/3/2016 Feature, Opinion Minister ‘amazed’ by lack of enthusiasm for his ideas from staff associations Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/3/2016 News Strain on superintendents ‘really starting to show’, says association’s incoming president Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/3/2016 News New research into assaults on police officers College of Policing 16/3/2016 News ‘If doctors who admit mistakes won’t be punished, should police be?’, asks Supers head Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/3/2016 News PCC slams NPAS funding formula after being told force must pay bill Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/3/2016 News Now then, lad! Or: why it might not be such a great idea for ex-police officers to become Police and Crime Commissioners and the myth of political independence. DorsetRachel 16/3/2016 UK PCC Elections Accenture lands Met Police applications deal 16/3/2016 News Stop and Search – An independent Review Duwayne Brooks February 2016 The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner assisted with collating the relevant organisations, youth groups, community groups, cohorts of Police Officers and individuals from the wider Northamptonshire community. Northamptonshire OPCC 15/3/2016 Report Report from the Task and Finish Group Community Safety Partnerships (CSP) and the Safe and Stronger Communities Group (SSCG), in relation to the PCC Suffolk OPCC 15/3/2016 Report Information Bulletin – Suffolk PCP This Information Bulletin summarises the PCC’s decisions taken since those reported to the Panel meeting on 29 January 2016. Suffolk OPCC 15/3/2016 Report Solving Crime – a response to the Panel’s areas of focus The Panel has asked a number of areas of focus arising from its workshop on 19 February 2016. The following paragraphs of the report seek to address those queries. Suffolk OPCC 15/3/2016 Feature, Opinion Public Document Pack – Gwent PCP meeting March 18th 2016 Pack includes:-Verbal update by the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent. Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent Legacy Statement. Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent Annual Report 2015 - 2016 (Draft). 7 Joint Strategic Equality Plan 2016-2020. Gwent OPCC 15/3/2016 Report Monitoring the Mayor’s Police and Crime Priorities This report also includes an update on other crime trends in London, public perceptions of policing in London and other relevant management information about the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS).monitoring information attached at Appendix 1. Policing Insight 15/3/2016 Report Response to Preventing Extremism in London That the Committee notes the response from the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime to its report, Preventing Extremism in London, as attached at Appendix 1 to this report. Policing Insight 15/3/2016 Report Overview of the Police and Crime Committee’s Work 2012-2016 This report provides a summary of the work and investigations the Committee has undertaken during this Mayoral and Assembly term from May 2012 to March 2016. Policing Insight 15/3/2016 Report «478947904791479247934794479547964797Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events