Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98659 total results. Showing results 95741 to 95760 «478447854786478747884789479047914792Next ›Last » ‘A question of quality’ – the Victims’ Commissioner’s report Restorative Justice Council 23/3/2016 Feature, Opinion Action needed over disproportionate amount of misconduct proceedings for ethnic minority officers Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/3/2016 News Guidance for prospective PCCs: Selecting chief constables Former HMI Robin Field-Smith provides an overview of the chief constable selection procedure, and identifies ways in which future PCCs could make improvements Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/3/2016 Analysis Why I’m standing Christopher Salmon, Dyfed-Powys PCC, looks back at his first term as PCC, and looks forward to "commissioning, consulting and listening" if re-elected Policing Insight 23/3/2016 Opinion, UK PCC Elections Why EMPAC = Progress Supt Dave Hill, Programme Director for the East Midlands Police Academic Collaboration (EMPAC), sets out a win-win-win for academia, police/PCCs, and public Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/3/2016 Opinion Coxit could cause problems for Gloucestershire police, PCC fears Gloucestershire Echo 23/3/2016 News UKIP PCC candidate pledges to keep politics out of the job Ilkeston Advertiser 23/3/2016 News, UK PCC Elections English Democrats leader delays trial alleging election fraud – because he will be running for Kent PCC Kent Online 23/3/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Sue Mountstevens sets out her stall as rival candidate criticises her Weekly News (Burnham and Highbridge) 23/3/2016 News, UK PCC Elections New police helicopter service is failing Dyfed Powys, says Plaid Wales Online 23/3/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Monisha Shah reflects on launching the PCC ethical checklist Committee on Standards in Public Life 23/3/2016 Feature, Opinion Can an inquiry into secrets ever be public? BBC 23/3/2016 Analysis, Feature North Yorkshire Police custody – some significant improvements HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 23/3/2016 Report Missing children: who cares? – The police response to missing and absent children HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 23/3/2016 Report Missing children failed by police, inspectors say BBC 23/3/2016 News Operation Midland ends: What next for child abuse investigations? BBC 22/3/2016 Analysis, Feature Staffordshire Smart Alert Staffordshire OPCC 22/3/2016 Report ‘Instagram for 999’ app lets you make video calls to emergency services The Telegraph - Registration at source 22/3/2016 News Victims benefitting from ‘bespoke’ restorative justice services Victims' Commissioner 22/3/2016 News Police spend £1bn a year on child sex abuse cases The Times - Subscription at source 22/3/2016 News «478447854786478747884789479047914792Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events