Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98659 total results. Showing results 95681 to 95700 «478147824783478447854786478747884789Next ›Last » Police are failing victims of honour crime, says watchdog The Times - Subscription at source 30/3/2016 News OPCC Annual Report 2015-16 Throughout 2015-16, I have worked hard with the Chief Constable to address the number of violent offences in Northamptonshire which is responsible for the slight increase in all crime. Northamptonshire OPCC 29/3/2016 Report 2015-16 Revenue Expenditure Monitoring: Anticipated Outturn The approved Revenue Budget for 2015-16 is £120m. North Yorkshire OPCC 29/3/2016 Report Northamptonshire Police and Crime Panel – Work Programme for 2015/16 The proposed work programme below includes statutory functions as well as regular updates provided by the current PCC. It is recognised that the contined provision of these updates is subject to agreement with the incoming PCC in May 2016. The work programme as a whole will need to be considered and agreed by the Panel at its first meeting in 2016/17. Northamptonshire OPCC 29/3/2016 Report MusterPoint joins Airbus Defence and Space MusterPoint 29/3/2016 News Levy plan to pay for policing late night bar rejected by Liverpool councillors Liverpool Echo 29/3/2016 News Weekly “Media Monitor” summary… Our Weekly Review, drawing heavily on our popular Media Monitor database Policing Insight - Subscription at source 28/3/2016 News Northamptonshire Police And Crime Panel Hate Incidents Project We are now working with colleagues from Northamptonshire County Council to prepare and deliver a partnership strategy for April 2016. Northamptonshire OPCC 28/3/2016 Report Complaints and Conduct Matters – Quarterly Update The report is intended to provide the Northamptonshire PCP with an update on complaints and conduct matters relating to the PCC for Northamptonshire dealt with in the previous quarter (January – March 2016) Northamptonshire OPCC 28/3/2016 Report Dorset PCC elections: UKIP candidate Lester Taylor Dorset Echo 28/3/2016 Feature, Opinion, UK PCC Elections Secret Diary of a PCC: Too big for their pixie boots – The Secret PCC makes a speech to his Police & Crime Panel Jon Harvey revisits his "Secret Diary of a PCC" series - essential reading for any PCC candidate 'at risk' of being elected... Policing Insight - Subscription at source 28/3/2016 Opinion Start recruiting police at 16, top officer suggests The Telegraph - Registration at source 28/3/2016 Feature, Opinion The changing of the guard Serving police officer Gareth Stubbs looks at the challenge of delivering change in policing Policing Insight - Subscription at source 28/3/2016 Opinion PCCs ‘must help fight gangs in cyber crimewave’, the Federation of Small Business warns 27/3/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Drop ‘dangerous’ Border Force cuts, says Andy Burnham BBC 27/3/2016 News We can’t hire gun cops… because they fear prosecution if they shoot anyone Mail Online 27/3/2016 News 2,000 extra armed terror police The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 27/3/2016 News Dr Alan Billings – My time in office South Yorkshire OPCC 26/3/2016 Feature, Opinion, UK PCC Elections PCC defends her record ahead of election The Argus 26/3/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Dorset PCC elections: Independent candidate Martyn Underhill Dorset Echo 26/3/2016 Feature, Opinion, UK PCC Elections «478147824783478447854786478747884789Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events