Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98670 total results. Showing results 95661 to 95680 «478047814782478347844785478647874788Next ›Last » Cats and robbers: Police force considers using felines to fight crime The Guardian 31/3/2016 News Temporary Arrangements For An Acting Chief Executive This report sets out the background to (and all of the statutory details required in respect of) my proposed temporary arrangements. North Yorkshire OPCC 31/3/2016 Report ‘War on Wasters’ pledge from PCC candidate 31/3/2016 News, UK PCC Elections NHS staff urged to adopt police powers to tackle anti-social behaviour Policing powers could be delegated to NHS staff to help tackle anti-social behaviour, under new guidance published today. National Health Executive (NHE) 31/3/2016 News War of words erupts over battle to become Bedfordshire’s next PCC Bedford Today 31/3/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Factors affecting wellbeing of all police officers – throughout the United Kingdom Emma Williams, Programme Director, In Service Policing degree at Canterbury Christ Church University, examines factors currently affecting police officers' wellbeing Policing Insight - Subscription at source 31/3/2016 Analysis PCC Candidate briefing 2016: Roles and responsibilities 31/3/2016 Report, UK PCC Elections PCC Candidates’ National Briefing Day: Panel 1 – Delivery CoPaCC's Simon Bullock reviews the first session of the PCC Candidates' National Briefing, held recently Policing Insight - Registration at source 31/3/2016 Analysis, UK PCC Elections 700 ‘crimes’ recorded in north Wales children’s homes BBC 31/3/2016 News Rate your arrest: Top cop slams ‘ridiculous’ suspect feedback plans The Sun 31/3/2016 News Dorset PCC candidate Andrew Graham Daily Echo (Southern) 31/3/2016 Feature, Opinion, UK PCC Elections ‘Sex charges’ councillor Jason Zadrozny wants to be PCC BBC 31/3/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Victims’ Commissioner calls for a Single Point of Contact for victims Vigilant Research 31/3/2016 News Forces move closer to a ‘Strategic Alliance’ Northamptonshire Police 31/3/2016 News Sadiq Khan for London: A manifesto for all Londoners Sadiq.London 31/3/2016 Report, UK PCC Elections Former LibDem facing child sex charges to run for PCC Belfast Telegraph 30/3/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Jean Charles de Menzes: Police officers should not be prosecuted, says ECHR The Guardian 30/3/2016 News Criminalising care: Children’s homes and criminalising children Howard League for Penal Reform 30/3/2016 Report PCC approves sale of part of Wootton Hall site to Secretary of State for Education Northamptonshire OPCC 30/3/2016 News Simon Dennis Curriculum Vitae – presented to the PCP With Members’ approval I will be pleased to assist the Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire in the temporary acting role, for such period as the Commissioner may require in the absence of the substantive Chief Executive. North Yorkshire OPCC 30/3/2016 Report «478047814782478347844785478647874788Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events