Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98670 total results. Showing results 95621 to 95640 «477847794780478147824783478447854786Next ›Last » How PCCs can help to tackle business crime Policing Insight examines research from the Federation of Small Businesses and provides details of the FSB's 'manifesto' for PCC candidates Policing Insight - Subscription at source 4/4/2016 Analysis UK cops dodge strong crypto on terror convict’s iPhone using clever trick No need for back doors or weakened encryption when clever policing does the job. ars technica 4/4/2016 News Snoopers Charter (aka IP Bill) could hit police forces with £1billion of cuts Police officers across the country could get the chop to pay for Theresa May’s Snoopers Charter, campaigners warn Political Scrapbook, with new analysis of the legislation. Political Scrapbook 4/4/2016 News Kent Commissioner’s Key Decisions Report on Commissioner’s Key Decisions – January to March 2016 delivered to Kent and Medway Police and Crime. Kent OPCC 4/4/2016 Report I’ll recruit cyber-experts to fight online extremists, says Zac Goldsmith Zac Goldsmith announced plans to recruit a new team of “cyber-specials” to help disrupt the path to online radicalisation today as he set out his strategy to tackle extremism in London. The Standard 4/4/2016 News Lib Dem police commissioner candidate discusses cannabis decriminalisation and cybercrime Election contender wants cybercrime unit set up and says regulated cannabis market would take drugs out of criminals' hands. Liverpool Echo 4/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections True level of crime hidden by police statistics, warn experts People are being misled about the true risk of crime in their area because figures mask the most serious offences, according to an expert report. Crime is recorded using a simple count of all offences reported and recorded by police each year. Criminologists say that offences should instead be weighted according to their impact on the victim, giving a better picture of the effects of crime and allowing police to target resources on offences such as violent assaults that cause most damage to victims and wider society. The Times - Subscription at source 4/4/2016 News Met Police: Deputy Assistant Commissioner Vacancies Salary on appointment £143,334, plus allowances. Closing date: 14 April 2016 Metropolitan Police Service 4/4/2016 Jobs PCC: Police station closures will lead to new era of online crime reporting The closure of police station front counters will lead to more modern methods of crime reporting becoming prominent, according to Essex's police and crime commissioner. Echo (Essex) 4/4/2016 News Gloucestershire Constabulary opts for Nissan Leaf Gloucestershire Constabulary has added seven Nissan Leafs to its fleet, with three marked cars for use in urban areas and four unmarked cars for use in other operations. Fleet News 4/4/2016 News Digital form blamed for ‘poor quality’ stop-search reports by Cumbria police Police could be falling foul of technology – with worries that standards might have slipped on stop-and-search forms since they started filling them in online. News & Star 4/4/2016 News Plan to recruit ‘parish constables’ to strengthen police presence on streets unveiled by UKIP candidate As many as 300 volunteer “parish constables” would be recruited to Kent Police under a plan unveiled by UKIP’s crime commissioner candidate Henry Bolton. Kent Online 4/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Hampshire’s new chief constable vows to protect vulnerable Vulnerable victims will be protected and Hampshire police will be a ‘standard bearer’ for doing so. That is the message from Olivia Pinkney in an open letter to the public on her first day as chief constable of Hampshire Constabulary. The News (Portsmouth) 4/4/2016 News Coxit plans inflame Gloucestershire PCC election race Gloucestershire Echo 4/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Governments have ‘overstated reductions in crime’ due to out of date recording methods The Independent 4/4/2016 News Cannabis arrests down 46% since 2010 – police figures BBC 4/4/2016 News Police chiefs [PCCs] aim to make their mark BBC 4/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Report of the PCC on Strategic Alliance with Dorset Police The Alliance was created to enable the two forces to collaborate as equal partners in finding new solutions to the policing needs of the geographical areas covered by the two forces, whilst at the same time retaining separate identities. Devon & Cornwall OPCC 3/4/2016 Report PCC Paddy Tipping slammed by Tony Harper for spending six-figure sum on PR ‘spin doctors’ A Freedom of Information (FOI) request by Mr Harper has revealed Mr Tipping has paid a total of £157,950 for PR advice over the four years since he was first elected in 2012. Retford Times 3/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Calls to Avon and Somerset police on 101 now take an average of 1 min and 30 secs to answer The number of calls to police that have been ended after being not answered within a minute has more than doubled in recent years. Central Somerset Gazette 3/4/2016 News «477847794780478147824783478447854786Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events