Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 95581 to 95600 «477647774778477947804781478247834784Next ›Last » PCC Simon Hayes to fight for re-election The News (Portsmouth) 7/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections We meet the PCC candidates for Northamptonshire Northamptonshire Telegraph 7/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Quiz the candidates time Spalding Today 7/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Police have taken another step towards forming a three-county alliance Nottinghamshire Police is moving closer to a strategic alliance with two neighbouring forces in an bid to improve services at reduced costs. Chad (Nottinghamshire) 6/4/2016 News France outlaws paying for sex France has outlawed buying sex after more than two years of heated debate, passing a law on Wednesday that slaps a €1,500 (£1,210) fine on those who pay for prostitutes while decriminalising the sex workers themselves. The Telegraph 6/4/2016 News Terror suspects face tougher measures in new UK bail regime Home secretary announces a new criminal offence for those who try to leave UK or fail to hand in passports while on pre-charge bail. The Guardian 6/4/2016 News Review and Recommendations in respect of the PCC’s Budget and Proposed Precept 2015/16. Immediately following the PCP meeting, the Host Authority drafted, in liaison with the Chair of the PCP, a report and recommendations on behalf of the PCP (Appendix 1) incorporating the above comments and recommendations of the PCP meeting. Devon & Cornwall OPCC 6/4/2016 Report Complaints Against Devon and Cornwall PCC The number of complaints received and handled since the PCC’s election on 15 November 2012 are shown below at Table 1. Devon & Cornwall OPCC 6/4/2016 Report Held to Account: We grill Gloucestershire’s Police and Crime Commissioner candidates Interview with Gloucestershire's PCC election candidates, Martin Surl (Independent) who has held the post for the last four years, Conservative candidate Will Windsor-Clive and Labour candidate Barry Kirby. Gloucester Citizen 6/4/2016 Feature, Opinion, UK PCC Elections A British FBI could fight our addiction to dirty money Our anti-money laundering regulations are all appearance and no enforcement. The Panama Papers show that what we need is our own version of the FBI says Neil Barnett, chief executive of Istok Associates, a corporate intelligence and investigations consultancy. The Guardian 6/4/2016 Feature, Opinion Guiding legitimacy Following criticism over how forces use stop and search powers, the College of Policing has published a consultation on new guidance that changes the way intimate searches are carried out. Police Professional talks to author Nick Glynn about the implications. Police Professional - Subscription at source 6/4/2016 Analysis, Feature Historical child abuse to be measured for the first time Historical child abuse figures will be examined for the first time as a new module of questions has been added to the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW). Police Professional 6/4/2016 News Home Secretary announces new offence of breach of pre-charge bail 6/4/2016 Report Wisteria Lodge: West Midlands Police admits abuse BBC 6/4/2016 News Kent and Medway PCP – Complaints against the PCC In the last twelve months there have been 10 recorded complaints against the Commissioner, compared with 9 in the period June 2014 to May 2015. Kent OPCC 6/4/2016 Report Outgoing Kent PCC Ann Barnes says she delivered on manifesto in end of term report Kent Online 6/4/2016 News Vacancy: Lecturer in Crime and Forensic Science Salary: £37,524 to £49,362. Closing date for applications is 6th May 2016 University College London (UCL) 6/4/2016 Jobs Vacancy: LSE Fellow in Social Policy Salary: £33,784 to £40,867, fixed term appointment for 12 months starting in September 2016. Closing date for applications is 6th May 2016 London School of Economics (LSE) 6/4/2016 Jobs Sharp rise in English jail sentences despite falling crime Financial Times - Subscription at source 6/4/2016 Analysis, Feature Zac Goldsmith: Crime Manifesto 6/4/2016 Report, UK PCC Elections «477647774778477947804781478247834784Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events