Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98679 total results. Showing results 95521 to 95540 «477347744775477647774778477947804781Next ›Last » The secret life of a police community support officer: Law and order is an illusion We face anger, violence and mistrust every day. But that hasn’t turned us all into bullies in hi-vis jackets who no longer care about the people we serve. The Guardian 11/4/2016 Feature, Opinion In minefield of gifts, some police leaders tread more lightly than others The New York Times 11/4/2016 Analysis, Feature Dame Shirley Pearce: Modern crime demands a rapid change in policing culture PoliticsHome 11/4/2016 Feature, Opinion Number of dropped Crown Court prosecutions at highest level in five years BBC 11/4/2016 News Police and Crime Commissioner candidates campaign against knife crime Preventing knife crime in Gloucester has become a major part of the Police and Crime Commissioner elections in the county. Gloucester Citizen 10/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Police chiefs call for RSPCA to be banned from prosecuting animal cruelty cases The National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) said a government agency would be better equipped to take on the role with greater accountability. The Independent 10/4/2016 News Appendix A Case Study – Improving BME Policing Experiences Currently, BME representation within the Force is now 4.3% overall compared to 11.2% representation throughout Nottinghamshire. In 2012 representation was 3.7% overall so there has been an improvement of 0.5% (+13.5%). This excludes volunteers. Nottinghamshire OPCC 10/4/2016 Report Policing And Crime Plan – Theme 3 Performance To January 2016 STRATEGIC PRIORITY THEME 3: Focus on those priority crime types and local areas that are most affected by crime and anti-social behaviour. Nottinghamshire OPCC 10/4/2016 Report Six candidates announced for Police and Crime Commissioner vote The candidates to elect a new crime 'tsar' for Devon and Cornwall have been confirmed. Herald Express 10/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner election: Candidates talk rural crime Bedfordshire News 10/4/2016 Feature, Opinion, UK PCC Elections Appendix A – Theme 3 Strategic Activities Of Police And Crime Plan (2015-16) Nottinghamshire OPCC 9/4/2016 Report PCC Elections: How much thought have candidates given to the ballot paper? Bernard Rix, CoPaCC's Chief Executive, identifies one area where PCC candidates' discussions with the Electoral Commission may havehad a material influence on voting Policing Insight - Subscription at source 9/4/2016 Analysis, UK PCC Elections Neighbourhood Watch – Response From Devon And Cornwall Constabulary To Panel Recommendations. A number of recommendations were directly related to operational matters which are the responsibility of the Chief Constable. Devon & Cornwall OPCC 8/4/2016 Report 2015/16 Work Plan For The Devon And Cornwall Police And Crime Panel Devon & Cornwall OPCC 8/4/2016 Report PCC Candidates now CONFIRMED: What have we learned so far? A first look at the national position, with all candidates now confirmed for the 40 Police and Crime Commissioner elections on May 5th 2016 Policing Insight - Registration at source 8/4/2016 News Essential law and practical guidance for PCCs 5 Essex Court 8/4/2016 Report, UK PCC Elections Sussex Police get new drones Surrey and Sussex Police have acquired four new state-of-the-art drones. The Aeryon SkyRangers will add to the existing one which has been used to support policing operations at Gatwick since March 2014. Juice Brighton 8/4/2016 News We are blind to an epidemic of domestic abuse The Archers storyline is melodrama. The reality of an issue inflamed by political neglect is far worse. Opinion of Joan Smith a columnist, novelist and human rights activist. The Guardian 8/4/2016 Feature, Opinion We must lose the focus on arbitrary targets and analyse the real needs of policing Kath Murray, a Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research Fellow in the School of Law at the University of Edinburgh, argues for removing arbitrary targets such as the SNP's long-standing commitment to maintaining 1,000 more Police Scotland officers than the party inherited in 2007. The Herald (Scotland) 8/4/2016 Feature, Opinion APPENDIX C – Performance & Insight Report – Themes 1 – 7. To date £4.573m efficiencies have been achieved against a target of £7.063m. Nottinghamshire OPCC 8/4/2016 Report «477347744775477647774778477947804781Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events