Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 95501 to 95520 «477247734774477547764777477847794780Next ›Last » Embracing PCCs: Lessons from the past, directions for the future On 5th May voters will go to the polls to choose their next Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs). As two long standing but friendly critics of PCCs, the Police Foundation's Director, Rick Muir and Ian Loader, Professor of Criminology at the University of Oxford argue that four years on it is time to embrace the idea of PCCs. The Police Foundation 12/4/2016 Feature, Opinion, UK PCC Elections HMIC: More work needed on emergency service cooperation How the police, fire and ambulance services work together during major incidents is “highly inconsistent”, according to a new report. Police Professional 12/4/2016 News Graduates in West Lancs given opportunities within the police force Lancashire Constabulary will welcome a new intake of graduates to the force from September 2016, through a ground-breaking new programme called Police Now. Champion 12/4/2016 News Cheshire Police adopts graduate scheme Cheshire Constabulary is among first to adopt a graduate recruitment programme with 10 new officers to join the force in September. Warrington Guardian 12/4/2016 News Devon and Cornwall Police plan to double Taser officers BBC 12/4/2016 News The tri-service review of the Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 12/4/2016 Report Review published on how the police, fire and ambulance services work together during major incidents HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 12/4/2016 News Andy Burnham: Tory cuts mean UK unprepared for ‘Brussels-style’ terror attacks outside London The Shadow Home Secretary revealed his worry that the UK was not adequately prepared for an ISIL-inspired atrocity as he declared that the Government’s counter-terrorist ‘Prevent’ programme wasn’t working. Huffington Post 11/4/2016 News Proof required that mandatory qualifications would help, says PFEW Stronger evidence is needed to prove that specific qualifications to join the service will benefit policing, the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) has said. Police Professional 11/4/2016 News Metropolitan Police to replace outdated ICT system The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) has launched a tender worth up to £150m to replace its outdated and fragmented ICT system 11/4/2016 News Nottinghamshire Police And Crime Panel – 18 April 2016 Work Programme The work programme is intended to assist with the Panel’s agenda management and forward planning. Nottinghamshire OPCC 11/4/2016 Report Nazir Afzal OBE appointed new chief executive Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 11/4/2016 News £200 million to transform life chances of vulnerable young people 11/4/2016 News Police And Crime Commissioner’s Update Report – to January 2016 This report provides the Panel with an overview of current performance, since the last report in December 2015. Nottinghamshire OPCC 11/4/2016 Report Secret Diary of a PCC: Social media policy Jon Harvey revisits his "Secret Diary of a PCC" series - essential reading for any PCC candidate 'at risk' of being elected... Policing Insight - Subscription at source 11/4/2016 Opinion Forensic teams at North Yorkshire Police to be ’employed by West Yorkshire Police’ The transfer is part of the regionalisation of scientific support services with Yorkshire and the Humber (YATH), and formal consultations with staff - which will lead to a change of contracts - will end next month. The Press (York) 11/4/2016 News Nottinghamshire Police And Crime Panel Complaints Update Since the last report to Panel in September 2015 four complaints have been addressed to the Police and Crime Panel. Nottinghamshire OPCC 11/4/2016 Report Retired police chief puts the leadership of Dyfed Powys PCC under the spotlight Carmarthen Journal 11/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections PCC candidates campaign against knife crime Gloucester Citizen 11/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Senior criminal lawyer to head up APCC A former chief crown prosecutor has been appointed as the new chief executive of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC). Police Professional 11/4/2016 News «477247734774477547764777477847794780Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events