Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 95461 to 95480 «477047714772477347744775477647774778Next ›Last » Christopher Salmon on how a PCC can transform the mentality of a police force Conservative Home 14/4/2016 Feature, Opinion Surrey Police graduates to “police tough areas” Surrey Police is set to welcome a new intake of top graduates to the Force. From September 2016, a groundbreaking new programme called Police Now has been introduced. Eagle Radio 14/4/2016 News Cambridgeshire police in seven-force team up which includes Kent to save cash The seeds of a 'superforce' have been sewn with plans for Cambridgeshire Constabulary to team up with six other forces – including Kent police. Cambridgeshire Live 14/4/2016 News Police are inconsistent in tackling online abuse, admits chief constable Stephen Kavanagh, in charge of national strategy on digital crime, says confidence of victims is being undermined. The Guardian 14/4/2016 News Tackling financial fraud: The role of PCCs Financial Fraud Action UK are inviting PCC candidates to support fraud awareness-raising activities Policing Insight - Subscription at source 14/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Analytics and algorithms: The future of policing? Will Mosseri-Marlio, a Researcher at think-tank Reform, considers West Midlands Police's drive towards a 'digitally-enabled police force' Policing Insight - Subscription at source 14/4/2016 Opinion A look at the candidates standing to be Thames Valley’s Police and Crime Commissioner We profile at the candidates who have put themselves forward for the role which includes setting the strategic direction of their police force, working with partners to reduce crime, acting on public feedback and ensuring public value for money. Maidenhead Advertiser 13/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Paul McKeever Memorial Speech: NCA Director General Lynne Owens National Crime Agency (NCA) 13/4/2016 Feature, Opinion ‘Potentially significant’ issues identified as NCA reviews hundreds of warrant applications More than 50 of the 326 operations assessed in a National Crime Agency (NCA) review could have been compromised due to failure to adhere to correct procedure in warrant applications, new data has revealed. Police Professional 13/4/2016 News Gloucestershire PCC election interview: Conservative candidate Will Windsor-Clive “I INTEND to win”. Those are the words of Conservative Will Windsor-Clive, who has issued a statement of intent by resigning his seat on the county council cabinet after nine years to pursue election as police and crime commissioner. Stroud News & Journal 13/4/2016 Feature, Opinion, UK PCC Elections West Yorkshire Police manpower ‘will only increase by 300 this year’ The number of extra officers employed by West Yorkshire Police will rise by only 300 in the next year, despite the force planning to bring in twice as many new recruits. Yorkshire Evening Post 13/4/2016 News CPS working on new system to curb data losses A new report has shown there is a "widespread issue" involving the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) "misplacing discs containing sensitive evidence and information". SC Media 13/4/2016 News West Midlands Police spends £8k fixing wrong fuel blunders There were 124 incidents of police cars being filled with the wrong fuel type in the 2014/2015 financial year, and 79 across 2015/2016. The figures were released in a Freedom of Information release that also revealed that West Midlands Police had spent more than £5.5 million on petrol across the same time period. Express & Star 13/4/2016 News Surrey PCC election 2016: Ex-military police detective pledges to deliver police service ‘the public want’ Camille Juliff said her background in the military and police puts her in good stead for the role. Surrey Live 13/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Chiefs and PCCs may be wrong about why people become specials Largest ever national survey of volunteers has been completed. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/4/2016 News ‘Dangerous myth’ that BMEs don’t want to join the police says former officer Former Met chief superintendent gave evidence to Home Affairs Select Committee. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/4/2016 News “The whole thing is a farce!” – Reaction to this year’s Police and Crime Commissioner election Next month we will elect a commissioner to run our police forces for a second time. After 15pc turn out last time round our political editor Annabelle Dickson asked on Monday if we will see more people take to the polls this time. Eastern Daily Press 13/4/2016 Feature, Opinion, UK PCC Elections North Yorks PCC candidates set their stalls out The candidates for Police and Crime Commissioner have outlined their pledges. The Press (York) 13/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Gloucestershire PCC Martin Surl breaks law with giant election poster Western Daily Press 13/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections UKIP Northants PCC candidate accuses Tory rival of using EU leaflet as ‘Trojan horse’ for campaign literature Northampton Chronicle & Echo 13/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections «477047714772477347744775477647774778Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events