Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 95707 total results. Showing results 95441 to 95460 «476947704771477247734774477547764777Next ›Last » Authorised Professional Practice: Detention and custody Arrest and detention, use of force, detainee care, including children and young persons and mental ill health, risk assessment and buildings and facilities. College of Policing 1/7/2015 Report Victims’ Commissioner calls for a better deal for victims Criminal justice agencies must do more to make sure they treat victims with dignity and respect, the Victims’ Commissioner said today. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 1/7/2015 News Domestic abusers to wear GPS tracking devices Northumbria PCC funds pilot scheme The Telegraph 1/7/2015 News Merseyside PCC chooses new restorative justice partners Merseyside's Community Rehabilitation Company, plus Restorative Solutions, selected Merseyside OPCC 1/7/2015 News CoPaCC Policing Report – June 2015 CoPaCC Policing Report covering the month June 2015. Download accompanying June Appendix for the detailed summary of each PCC region. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 1/7/2015 Report North Wales police officers to wear body cameras North Wales Live 1/7/2015 News Police to wear body video cameras on the beat Nottingham Post 1/7/2015 News CoPaCC Policing Report APPENDIX – June 2015 Appendix to the CoPaCC Policing Report for June 2015. Detailed individual summaries for each PCC region Policing Insight - Subscription at source 1/7/2015 Report Preparing for PCC elections in May 2016 With the confirmation that PCCs are here to stay, CoPaCC outlines its plans to help declared and potential PCC candidates, policing commentators and interested members of the public prepare for the PCC elections in May 2016. Policing Insight 30/6/2015 News Working with Emergency Service partners: The Ambulance Service This article, by a former Chief Constable now Chairman of the Yorkshire Ambulance NHS Trust, is the first in an occasional series taking a high level look at the work of key criminal justice, emergency service and other policing partners. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 30/6/2015 Analysis College of Policing publishes leadership review Leadership across all ranks and roles needs to change in order to help policing meet challenges of the future, according to a final report published by the College of Policing today. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 30/6/2015 News Interview with Sir Graham Bright PCC for Cambridgeshire Former Conservative MP and successful businessman Sir Graham Bright talks about putting victims first and changing the culture of policing. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 30/6/2015 Interview, Opinion Decision: Appointment of OPCC CEO and CFO Appointment of Jonathan Jardine as Chief Executive and Mark Kenyon as Chief Finance Officer. West Midlands OPCC 30/6/2015 Report Sea change or status quo? Gary Mason reviews the week’s national and local police news including a report on "Reshaping policing for the public", the West Midlands Police withheld report on grooming and a spat over finances between a local MP and his PCC. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 30/6/2015 News No targets? It’s not that simple The debate on moving away from a police performance target culture continues. Simon Guilfoyle argues that the concept of ditching targets needs wider thought about how police performance management can evolve in their absence. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 30/6/2015 Opinion Tone from the top: Leadership, ethics and accountability in policing Committee on Standards in Public Life 30/6/2015 Report Decision: Award of contract for delivery of Customer Relationship Management solution and Incident Management Solution for Hampshire and TVP Awarded to Microsoft Ltd Thames Valley OPCC 30/6/2015 Report Tone from the top: Leadership, ethics and accountability in policing The Committee on Standards in Public Life have published their report today with the results of an inquiry into local policing - accountability, ethics and leadership, in response to criticism relating to standards issues in the new model of policing accountability. Committee member David Prince exclusively shares his thoughts on the findings with Policing Insight. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 29/6/2015 Analysis Success of Lincolnshire’s legal highs banning order praised by Lincolnshire’s police in first three months Mr Hardwick told the PCP he was satisfied with how the system is working but was unsure as to whether the scheme would be expanded to other parts of Lincolnshire. Lincolnshire Echo 26/6/2015 News Home Office “Crime and policing news update” June 2015 Serious Crime Act, FGM, Gang Injunctions, Mental Health Act, Strategic Threat, police targets, identity theft Home Office 26/6/2015 Report «476947704771477247734774477547764777Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events