Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 95421 to 95440 «476847694770477147724773477447754776Next ›Last » In their own words: Crime commissioner hopefuls on Exeter’s biggest issues We asked the six candidates for the elected role of Devon & Cornwall Police and Crime Commisioner the same four questions about policing and Exeter. Express & Echo (Devon) 18/4/2016 Feature, Opinion, UK PCC Elections Proposals for qualifications in policing: Are the College manipulating the figures? Sandra Andrews examines the College of Policing's recent consultation on proposals to introduce academic recognition for both existing workforce and new joiners Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/4/2016 Analysis Civil Nuclear Police Authority Independent Chair Appointing Body: Civil Nuclear Police Authority (CNPA). Department: Department of Energy & Climate Change. Remuneration: £45,000 per annum. Time Requirements: 2 days per week per annum. Closing Date: 27/04/2016 Cabinet Office 18/4/2016 Jobs Will voters turn out for the ‘invisible election’? Former ACPO Public Affairs Officer James Hargrave, now at JBP, asks whether PCCs' critics will soon need to eat some humble pie Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/4/2016 Opinion, UK PCC Elections Joint Independent Audit Committee Annual Report 2015/16t Independent Audit Committee Annual Report 2015/16 The role of the committee is not one of scrutiny but rather of providing appropriate assurance to the PCC and the Chief Constable on the adequacy of their governance, internal control and risk management arrangements. West Yorkshire OPCC 18/4/2016 Report Suffolk: My manifesto for the next four years Continuing our special feature on the Suffolk PCC election battle, current PCC Tim Passmore sets out his pitch to voters - including his plans for the next four years if re-elected Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/4/2016 Opinion, UK PCC Elections An interview with Nick Clegg about the Government’s drug problem For the next three days, the most important meeting on global drug policy since the 1990s will take place in New York. The UN General Assembly Special Session on Drugs (UNGASS) will see governments from around the world coming together to discuss the best way to move forward on the issue, yet despite an international groundswell of drug law reform in recent years – from Colorado and Washington DC to Portugal and Uruguay, and legal cannabis markets set for Canada and California – it's unlikely to change anything. Vice 18/4/2016 Feature, Opinion Secret Diary of a PCC: The magic of Brasso Jon Harvey revisits his "Secret Diary of a PCC" series - essential reading for any PCC candidate 'at risk' of being elected... Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/4/2016 Opinion Future direct entry recruits could be awarded master’s level degrees Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/4/2016 News Conservative PCC candidate Will Windsor-Clive pledges to bridge gap between urban and rural policing Stroud News & Journal 18/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Tiny proportion of stalking cases recorded by police, data suggests The Guardian 18/4/2016 Analysis, Feature Conservatives and Labour fielding far fewer women in PCC elections The Guardian 18/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Manifesto – Programme for Policing 2016 – 2021 The Scottish Police Federation is delighted to present our programme for policing 2016 – 2021 manifesto. In Programme for Policing 2016 – 2021, we set out a range of recommendations to the next Scottish Government, outlining how policing can enrich public life, promote public safety and position Scotland as a global leader in criminal justice innovation. Scottish Police Federation (SPF) 17/4/2016 Report Violent crime up in Nottinghamshire – but report is ‘good’ Violent crime rose by nine per cent in Nottinghamshire over the past year – as the overall number of offences committed stayed roughly the same. Retford Times 17/4/2016 News 2016 Police and Crime Commissioner Elections: Herts PCC sets out fresh vision Hertfordshire's Police and Crime Commissioner David Lloyd has promised to put victims at the heart of the criminal justice system if he is re-elected. Review (St Albans & Harpenden) 17/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Scots police officers demand right to be allowed to take part in political campaigns POLICE officers are demanding the right to be allowed to take part in political campaigns. The Scottish Police Federation (SPF), which represents the rank and file, has published its own Holyrood manifesto and called for the strict limits on its members participating in politics to be eased. The Herald (Scotland) 17/4/2016 News West Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel Agreed Action Log West Yorkshire OPCC 17/4/2016 Report Proposed New York ‘textalyser’ law would let police check if drivers have been using mobile phones The bill would let police use 'textalyser' devices to see if a driver was using their phone before a crash The Independent 17/4/2016 News Senior Lecturer in Criminology, Birmingham City University Salary: £43,303 to £47,177. Closing date for applications is 15th May 2016 Birmingham City University 16/4/2016 Jobs West Yorkshire PCC Published Key Decisions. If decisions are made in the pre-election (purdah) period, they will be published on the PCC’s website following the conclusion of that period. West Yorkshire OPCC 16/4/2016 Report «476847694770477147724773477447754776Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events