Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98688 total results. Showing results 95361 to 95380 «476547664767476847694770477147724773Next ›Last » New ACC covering strategic alliance West Mercia Police has confirmed a new assistant chief constable responsible for local policing across West Mercia and Warwickshire force areas. Police Professional 20/4/2016 News Australia puts $230m towards fighting cybercrime, including 50 extra police Specialist officers in the federal police and Australian Crime Commission and 50 security experts spearhead. The Guardian 20/4/2016 News Norfolk commissioner candidates clash over crime figures Lynn News 20/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Appendix A Home Office Innovation Fund Offer West Yorkshire OPCC 20/4/2016 Report PCC Vera Baird and Northumbria Police praised for tackling stalking Sunderland Echo 20/4/2016 News West Yorkshire Police And Crime Panel – Long Term Use Of Bail Update Overall bails are down from 3734 to 3073, a reduction of 18%. West Yorkshire OPCC 20/4/2016 Report Complaints Received by the Police and Crime Panel The table below provides an update on each of the four complaints that are currently being dealt with by the Panel. No new complaints have been recorded since the meeting of the Panel on 11 March 2016. West Yorkshire OPCC 20/4/2016 Report Security of Britain’s porous borders must be reviewed as Isil threaten summer of tourist massacres Britain’s borders must be tightened to protect against the terror threat from Islamist extremists after the “wake up call” of the attacks on Paris and Brussels, former senior policemen and terror experts say. The Telegraph 20/4/2016 News PFEW recognises ‘suicide risks’ in high-stress officers The high-stress nature of the job is driving several police officers to consider suicide, says the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW). Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 20/4/2016 News Stress and shrinking staff levels sound siren on ‘suicidal state’ of police service, warns PFEW Unprecedented stress coupled with shrinking staff levels are driving police officers to the brink of suicide as a shock survey reveals one in four emergency services’ workers have thought about “ending their lives”. Police Professional 20/4/2016 News Cambridgeshire PCC hopeful Jason Ablewhite wants joint police and fire HQ Cambridgeshire Live 20/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections We should listen to police in the battle against drugs Anyone who has ever spent time in the country’s sheriff courts will know the impact drug addiction has on Scotland’s justice system says Chris Marshall The Scotsman 20/4/2016 Feature, Opinion Decline in violence comes to an end, survey suggests BBC 20/4/2016 News Update on police complaints and police disciplinary reform Field Fisher 20/4/2016 Analysis, Feature The Guardian view on PCC elections: Who guards the guardians? The Guardian 20/4/2016 Feature, Opinion The war on drugs has failed. Now the UN is thinking about legalization Los Angeles Times 20/4/2016 News France reshuffled police forces to avoid rivalries in crisis 20/4/2016 News Nicola Sturgeon in denial over police reform – Rennie Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie accused Nicola Sturgeon of being “in denial about the consequences of her government’s police reforms” following her comments on the deaths of M9 crash couple John Yuill and Lamara Bell. The Scotsman 19/4/2016 News West Midlands PCC candidate labelled ‘unfit for office’ over social media posts One of the candidates bidding to become West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner has been labelled “unfit for office” after sharing conspiracy theories about Israel, terrorism and police corruption. Birmingham Live 19/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Police Federation ‘feeling the strain’ of largescale historical enquiries Hillsborough and other investigations mean the organisation is spending 75 per cent of its budget on legal costs. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 19/4/2016 News «476547664767476847694770477147724773Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events