Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98694 total results. Showing results 95321 to 95340 «476347644765476647674768476947704771Next ›Last » CoPaCC: Our five pledges to help PCCs deliver Bernard Rix, CoPaCC Chief Executive, looks ahead to CoPaCC's next four years Policing Insight 22/4/2016 Analysis, UK PCC Elections We need to talk about Kevin The Police Foundation 22/4/2016 Analysis, Feature, UK PCC Elections Shoring up the foundations: Victim belief revisited Andy Higgins, the Police Foundation's Senior Analyst, examines difficulties the police have in deciding what they should believe and when they should believe it Policing Insight - Subscription at source 22/4/2016 Analysis Is this the most pointless election ever? Voters will be choosing a PCC who will be out of work in 18 months Birmingham Live 22/4/2016 Feature, Opinion, UK PCC Elections West Midlands PCC election candidate in disgusting slur against Madeleine McCann’s mother Express & Star 22/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Officers were warned to keep quiet about Home Secretary’s ‘private visit’ to officially open Barrow police station The Mail (North West) 22/4/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Strategic Assessment 2016-2017 West Midlands Police 22/4/2016 Report PCC Generation 2.0: How you can work with the voluntary sector to cut crime 22/4/2016 Report, UK PCC Elections Border security: Guards ‘lack power to stop returning jihadis’ British border guards are virtually powerless to stop and detain Britons they suspect of returning from jihad or terrorism training, a whistle-blower has disclosed. The Telegraph - Registration at source 21/4/2016 News Prevent: Aiming to stop people at risk being drawn into violent extremism CC Simon Cole Blog: Today (April 21) I had the privilege of opening the Home Affairs Select Committee annual conference at Homerton College Cambridge. In the audience were some of the most senior people working in government and public agencies - both in the UK and from overseas. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 21/4/2016 Feature, Opinion Policing Minister told to complete forensic science strategy implementation Science and Technology Committee (STC) chair Nicola Blackwood has urged the Minister for Policing to finish implementing the Government’s forensic science strategy. Police Professional 21/4/2016 News Forensic Science Regulator: Committee writes to Policing Minister The Science and Technology Committee publishes a letter to the Minister for Policing about the Forensic Science Strategy. The Chair of the Science and Technology Committee writes to the Minister for Policing specifically about the timing for introducing statutory powers for the Forensic Sciences Regulator and on the need for wide consultation across the criminal justice system for the on-going Government work to introduce a national approach to forensics. 21/4/2016 Report Statistics show discrepancies between CSEW and recorded crime The number of crimes recorded by the police is up seven per cent, but the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) shows crime is down by the same amount, the latest crime statistics reveal. Police Professional 21/4/2016 News New powers proposed in money laundering crackdown Suspected money launderers could soon be forced to declare the source of their funds after the Government proposed the biggest shake-up to anti-corruption powers in more than a decade. Police Professional 21/4/2016 News When are PCC election counts taking place? Policing Insight has - with readers' help - compiled a list of timings of the PCC counts following PCC elections on Thursday, May 5th Policing Insight - Subscription at source 21/4/2016 Analysis, UK PCC Elections Continued rise in crimes puts pressure on cops The latest national crime statistics paint a troubling picture, the Police Federation has warned. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 21/4/2016 Feature, Opinion Kent Police fined £80k for serious domestic abuse data breach Kent Police has been fined £80,000 after it handed data on a phone belonging to an alleged domestic abuse victim to her partner's solicitor. BBC 21/4/2016 News Police and Crime Commissioner elections 2016 BBC 21/4/2016 UK PCC Elections Q&A: Police and Crime Commissioners BBC 21/4/2016 Analysis, Feature, UK PCC Elections PCCs: Why should we care? RAND Corporation 21/4/2016 Analysis, Feature, UK PCC Elections «476347644765476647674768476947704771Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events