Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98714 total results. Showing results 95161 to 95180 «475547564757475847594760476147624763Next ›Last » Chief constable ‘covered up brawl with love-rival officer’ The Times - Subscription at source 5/5/2016 News Stakeknife: Top English officer to head probe into IRA double agent An outside police force has reportedly been appointed to probe the allegations of murder and collusion surrounding the top agent within the IRA during the Troubles known by the codename Stakeknife. Belfast Telegraph 5/5/2016 News Scandal hit police force rocked by claims of second affair among senior officers The Telegraph 5/5/2016 News Five things to watch out for in the Police and Crime Commissioner elections… Crest Advisory 5/5/2016 Feature, Opinion, UK PCC Elections PCCs too weak to stop another Hillsborough or Rotherham scandal Police commissioners were introduced in 2011 to bolster police accountability, but events in South Yorkshire prove the system is not sufficient on its own says former chief constable Peter Neyroud. The Guardian 5/5/2016 Feature, Opinion Large percentage of people cannot name their PCC Poll for Electoral Reform Society found miniscule three per cent said they felt well informed about the PCC election. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 5/5/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Former chief constable calls for public inquiry into Orgreave clashes and beyond Sir Peter Fahy joins call for public inquiry over 1980s ‘police army of occupation’ and agenda of Margaret Thatcher government. The Guardian 4/5/2016 News This should be the last time we elect a West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner The job of West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner is likely to be axed - and it should be. Birmingham Live 4/5/2016 Feature, Opinion, UK PCC Elections Critics blame Government for lacklustre promotion as fears grow of low turnout for PCC polls Labour has accused the Government of ‘lack of effort’ in generating public interest and ignoring Electoral Commission advice for this week’s polls to usher in the second phase of rule by police and crime commissioners (PCCs). Police Professional 4/5/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Northumbria Police pair ‘in barbecue punch-up’ over affair A chief constable had an affair with a senior female officer, resulting in her husband, a policeman, attacking him at a barbecue, a tribunal has heard. BBC 4/5/2016 News PCCs – end of term report Local Government Lawyer 4/5/2016 Analysis, Feature, UK PCC Elections Greater Manchester Police has welcomed a record number of Special Constables into the force The Bolton News 4/5/2016 News UKIP police and crime commissioner candidate shares controversial Facebook posts The UK Independence Party police and crime commissioner candidate says he shared controversial posts on social media, including an article celebrating an African state banning Islam, with other Facebook members to see their reaction to particular issues. Eastern Daily Press 4/5/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Orgreave IPCC report echoes Hillsborough police cover-up Calls for a new inquiry into the Battle of Orgreave in 1984 are growing after previously censored documents revealed links between an alleged cover-up by senior South Yorkshire Police officers at the time and the force’s actions five years later at Hillsborough. The Telegraph 4/5/2016 News Election expenses: Tory PCC candidate under scrutiny Channel 4 News 4/5/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Last day of campaigning ahead of elections across UK BBC 4/5/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Full Orgreave report could be released, says police watchdog BBC 4/5/2016 News Revealed: The links between Hillsborough and South Yorkshire Police’s 1984 Orgreave ‘cover-up’ The Yorkshire Post 4/5/2016 Analysis, Feature Chief Superintendent vacancies Promotion/Level Transfer Opportunity. Starting Salary: National Chief Superintendent Payscale plus £2000 SE allowance (or other housing rent allowance). Application forms will be released to candidates from noon on the 17th May 2016. The deadline for the receipt of completed applications is noon on 7th June 2016. Essex Police 3/5/2016 Jobs Comprehensive cover? The new emergency services network Dr Dave Sloggett considers the recent announcement of increased investment by the mobile phone supplier EE and its impact upon the new network. The new contract has been awarded to EE. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/5/2016 Analysis, Feature «475547564757475847594760476147624763Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events