Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98722 total results. Showing results 95081 to 95100 «475147524753475447554756475747584759Next ›Last » Hillsborough: Learning the lessons Carina O'Reilly provides a powerful analysis of the lessons that policing really must learn following the Hillsborough Inquest verdict. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 11/5/2016 Analysis Hillsborough: Why police officers carry a responsibility today Serving officer 'Nathan Constable' argues that following the failings of Hillsborough, the argument that officers shouldn't be punished for the decisions of a small few all that time ago is pointless and wrong. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 11/5/2016 Opinion Volunteer divers criticise police over search for drowned teenager Firm says Thames Valley officers told its divers not to enter river where 16-year-old Ellis Downes was last seen The Guardian 10/5/2016 News PNC used by external bodies despite lapsed licenses Non-police organisations with access to the Police National Computer (PNC) have been conducting checks appropriately but some have been doing so without a valid license, it has been revealed. Police Professional 10/5/2016 News Expenses probe PCC Alison Hernandez branded ‘arrogant’ The new Devon and Cornwall police and crime commissioner has faced fresh criticism for taking the role while subject to an expenses investigation. BBC 10/5/2016 News Weekly “Media Monitor” summary… Our Weekly Review, drawing heavily on our popular Media Monitor database Policing Insight - Subscription at source 10/5/2016 News Peter Fahy: ‘Orgreave inquiry must look also at actions of politicians’ Any inquiry into the 1984 Battle of Orgreave should also look into the role of politicians at the time, former Greater Manchester Police chief constable Sir Peter Fahy has claimed. Police Professional 10/5/2016 News Appointment of Deputy and Assistant PCCs: Legal considerations Sarah Ellson, Partner and head of Fieldfisher's Public and Regulatory Law Group, sets out some legal considerations for PCCs in their appointment of Deputy and Assistant PCCs. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 10/5/2016 Analysis Humberside Police ‘let down the public’ says new PCC The new Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside has said the force "has let down the public" after being rated inadequate. Policing Insight 10/5/2016 News Working model agreed for inspectorates and prisons ombudsman New working arrangements between the inspectorates and the Prisons and Probations Ombudsman (PPO) will be based on an existing model after the Government agreed to the Justice Committee’s proposals. Police Professional 10/5/2016 News PNC used by external bodies despite lapsed licenses Non-police organisations with access to the Police National Computer (PNC) have been conducting checks appropriately but some have been doing so without a valid license, it has been revealed. Police Professional 10/5/2016 News Police Authority to police accountability? Howard Jones takes a historical perspective in comparing the roles of PCCs and the police authorities they replaced Policing Insight - Subscription at source 10/5/2016 Opinion ‘Voters left in the dark’ over ‘woefully unclear’ PCC election Voters were left in the dark about who to vote for and how to cast their votes in the Police and Crime Commissioner election, the man elected to the role has said. Labour's Jeff Cuthbert was elected as Gwent's second Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) last week, but said he was concerned a large number of voters did not have enough information to make an informed choice. Free Press 10/5/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Complaints And Conduct Matters Agenda item 7. p13-19. Since the last Panel meeting the following complaints have been recorded against the Police and Crime Commissioner Mr Christopher Salmon; Dyfed-Powys OPCC 10/5/2016 Report Call centre fears after police cancel IT ‘fix’ Police Scotland has cancelled a £12 million contract for a computer system to manage its control rooms in another IT setback for the force. The Times - Subscription at source 10/5/2016 News Non-police use of the Police National Computer inspections HMIC had previously audited police forces on their use of the PNC. In 2011, the Government’s Independent Advisor on Criminality Information Management recommended that HMIC’s audit role is extended to cover all PNC users. HMIC carried out a limited inspection of the use of PNC by Royal Mail, and used this to inform its first inspection of the use of the PNC, in the following organisations: Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (Cafcass); Environment Agency; Financial Conduct Authority; Gangmasters Licensing Authority; NATS (an air traffic control provider); Natural Resources Wales; Post Office; Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; and Thurrock Council. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 10/5/2016 Report PNC being used appropriately by nonÂ-police organisations HMIC carried out inspections of ten organisations. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 10/5/2016 News Edinburgh community police numbers set to be cut THE number of dedicated community police officers in the Capital is set to be cut – and council chiefs are angry there has been no consultation on the move. Edinburgh News 10/5/2016 News As police commissioners bed in, so the main parties make gains – as in last week’s elections Conservative Home 10/5/2016 Feature, Opinion, UK PCC Elections Legal highs: Police handle surge in incidents ahead of ban The impact of legal highs on police forces across England can be revealed ahead of a blanket ban on the products, which will come into effect in weeks. BBC 10/5/2016 News «475147524753475447554756475747584759Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events