Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98731 total results. Showing results 95021 to 95040 «474847494750475147524753475447554756Next ›Last » Conviction quashed after picture reveals PC’s method of ‘restraint’ The Times - Subscription at source 14/5/2016 News Letter to the Times: “Police Review” by Steve White The Times - Subscription at source 14/5/2016 Feature, Opinion Don’t call me Ma’am: Direct entry into leadership roles in British Policing In the autumn of 2014, the inaugural cohort of direct entry superintendents commenced an 18-month training course. They brought with them a breadth of leadership expertise from previous careers elsewhere in the public and private sectors. All of the nine direct entry superintendents were interviewed, to gauge their motivations for joining the service and to understand more about their leadership credentials. The results show these individuals have a strong bias towards public service and offer credible leadership skills. The strategic picture in which they are operating is complex and not always supportive. Police Journal 14/5/2016 Report Surrey Police And Crime Panel – HMIC Inspection Reports Surrey OPCC 14/5/2016 Report Surrey Police And Crime Panel –  Community Safety Fund 2015/16 This report provides the Panel with an overview of how the Community Safety Fund was distributed in the financial year 2015/16. Surrey OPCC 14/5/2016 Report New PCC Keith Hunter will give chief constable a ‘limited period’ to show she can turn force around Grimsby Live 14/5/2016 News CPS reminds police that dead cannot be prosecuted over past child abuse The Guardian 13/5/2016 News Accept blame then learn from it: This should be a police credo – by Sara Thornton The culture of our police has a lot to learn from health and aviation. The days of closing ranks when things go wrong must end The Guardian 13/5/2016 Feature, Opinion Accept blame, then learn from it: This should be a police credo The culture of our police has a lot to learn from health and aviation. The days of closing ranks when things go wrong must end Policing Insight 13/5/2016 Feature, Opinion Is the uniform still in the closet? Gavin Thomas, President of the Police Superintendents' Association, discusses the importance of taking notice of issues facing LGBT officers and staff. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/5/2016 Feature, Opinion Police Scotland earns £1.8m from training foreign officers Police Scotland has made nearly £1.8m training officers from countries including Pakistan and South Sudan. STV News 13/5/2016 News Young offenders who film crimes face tougher sentences Sentencing Council issues new draft guidance on how courts should treat young offenders. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/5/2016 News West Midlands Police renews its Nissan LEAF fleet West Midlands Police has renewed its fleet of 30 Nissan LEAFs with the new longer-range model, following substantial cost and CO2 reductions since the original cars were deployed in 2013. EV Fleet World 13/5/2016 News Scottish police unveil security system to combat farm thefts Scottish police have launched a new data security system which aims to deter rising thefts of agricultural vehicles. Farming UK 13/5/2016 News Revealed: Humberside Police has £30m in reserves and new man at the top Keith Hunter will spend it Humberside Police's new Police and Crime Commissioner has revealed that the Force's finances are not as dire as his predecessor maintained. Grimsby Live 13/5/2016 News Police HQ in Northampton could have been sold £6m if it had been auctioned for housing development The Northamptonshire Police headquarters site could have been sold for £6 million if it had been auctioned to a housing developer rather than being used as a school, sale documents have revealed. Northampton Chronicle & Echo 13/5/2016 News Thames Valley Police apologise to family of drowning victim Ellis Downes’ family for level of support and lack of information Oxford Mail 13/5/2016 News Sopra Steria awarded joint police customer contact deal New agreement with South Yorkshire and Humberside, valued at up to £41m, could support wider service transformation among North East forces Policing Insight 13/5/2016 News Family of drowned teen ‘left without police help’ BBC 13/5/2016 News Police service trio sign for joint ERP Surrey, Sussex and Thames Valley forces agree on framework contract with KPMG and subsidiary to use Dynamics platform for ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) 12/5/2016 News «474847494750475147524753475447554756Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events