Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98731 total results. Showing results 94981 to 95000 «474647474748474947504751475247534754Next ›Last » As with Hillsborough, we must get to the bottom of what happened at Orgreave Nick Timothy is Director of the New Schools Network and a former Chief of Staff to Theresa May. Conservative Home 17/5/2016 Feature, Opinion Police ‘more likely to suffer assaults’ if they wear body-worn cameras Police officers may be more likely to suffer assaults if they are wearing body-worn cameras, a new study suggests. Belfast Telegraph 17/5/2016 News GMP start issuing body cameras to 3,000 police officers Greater Manchester Police has started issuing 3,000 body-worn high-definition cameras to frontline officers following a successful trial. Manchester Evening News 17/5/2016 News Wearing body cameras increases assaults against officers and does not reduce police use of force Wearing body cameras increases assaults against officers and does not reduce police use of force: Results from a global multi-site experiment. Police use of force is at the forefront of public awareness in many countries. Body-worn videos (BWVs) have been proposed as a new way of reducing police use of force, as well as assaults against officers. To date, only a handful of peer-reviewed randomised trials have looked at the effectiveness of BWVs, primarily focusing on use of force and complaints. We sought to replicate these studies, adding assaults against police officers as an additional outcome. European Journal of Criminology - Subscription at source 17/5/2016 Report Police officers with body worn cameras are more likely to be assaulted Wearing body mounted cameras can place police officers at more risk of being assaulted, a study has shown. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 17/5/2016 News Call to offer Tasers to all frontline police Police say they need stun guns to defend themselves, as a survey finds a third of officers are attacked at least once a month. Sky News 17/5/2016 News Do police have the firepower to tackle gun menace? BBC 17/5/2016 Analysis, Feature ‘Sitting ducks’ warning to rural police Police officers in rural areas fear they would be "sitting ducks" in the event of a terrorist gun attack in the UK, a Police Federation chairman says. BBC 17/5/2016 News More than 3,000 suspected child groomers warned to stay away from kids by police Child Abduction Warning Notices have risen sharply in the last year and are now being issued a rate of nearly 50 a week - find out where with our interactive map. Mirror 16/5/2016 News Police Scotland officers ‘owed 25,036 rest days’ Police Scotland has been urged to do more to tackle the “frightening” number of rest days owed to officers. The Scotsman 16/5/2016 News Deputy Chief Constable vacancy The SPA is seeking a Deputy Chief Constable to lead on Crime and Operational support. The Scottish Police Authority is looking for an outstanding leader to join the Police Scotland executive team. Salary: £173,010. The closing date for applications is Monday 6 June 2016 at 1630 hours. Scottish Police Authority (SPA) 16/5/2016 Jobs Superintendents and Detective Superintendents Open to: Substantive transferees and Chief Inspectors on promotion.Salary: £64,188 plus allowances / Location: Across London / Closing date: 04 June 2016 Metropolitan Police Service 16/5/2016 Jobs Mental Health Act: Police detain far fewer people in the cells The number of people Thames Valley Police detained in custody under the Mental Health Act has dropped by 72 per cent. Get Reading 16/5/2016 News FBI data showing drop in police deaths undermines ‘war on cops’ theory Preliminary data show a 20% decrease in number of officers intentionally killed in the line of duty and the second-lowest total in the past 12 years. The Guardian 16/5/2016 News Prison safety ‘deteriorating’ in England and Wales, say MPs BBC 16/5/2016 News False economy on custody The welfare of those detained by police is at risk after home secretary’s ‘bizarre’ U-turn. The Law Society Gazette 16/5/2016 Analysis, Feature BTP praised for ‘substantial’ investment in stop and search supervision British Transport Police (BTP) has made significant progress in the collection and monitoring of data relating to stop and search, inspectors have revealed. Police Professional 16/5/2016 News Avon and Somerset chief constable under investigation over child abuse failure allegations A chief constable faces an investigation by an external force over allegations regarding his handling of child abuse cases in his previous role. Police Professional 16/5/2016 News South Yorkshire Police: Same officers linked to Hillsborough and Orgreave Senior officers and a solicitor who were involved in the South Yorkshire Police response to Hillsborough and the so-called Battle of Orgreave can be named for the first time. BBC 16/5/2016 News Police and Crime Panel Actions And Recommendations Tracker- 18 May 2016 The recommendations tracker allows Police & Crime Panel Members to monitor responses, actions and outcomes against their recommendations or requests for further actions. The tracker is updated following each Committee. Surrey OPCC 16/5/2016 Report «474647474748474947504751475247534754Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events