Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98768 total results. Showing results 94581 to 94600 «472647274728472947304731473247334734Next ›Last » G4S share price plummets after company admits employing Orlando gunman Shares in global security contractor G4S this morning plummeted since the company admitted employing the terrorist who carried out the worst mass shooting in US history. Metro 13/6/2016 News Scots Europol boss warns Brexit vote could be a ‘huge boost for criminals’ The Scot at the heart of Europe’s crime-fighting agency has claimed a UK vote to leave the EU will be a godsend for crime lords. The Sunday Post 13/6/2016 News Poor police tactics are the real culprits The Times - Subscription at source 13/6/2016 Analysis, Feature Accountability and Performance Panel – April 2015 to March 2016 The Accountability and Performance Panel is used to hold the Chief Constable to account and to enable issues to be discussed and where appropriate make decisions in public. Papers available including Performance Priorities Monitoring Report, Performance Report, Suffolk Collaboration report, Use of Stop and Search, Victims’ Strategy, Diversity Annual Report, Independent Custody Visitors Annual Report and Complaints and Professional Standards Update Suffolk OPCC 13/6/2016 Report Suffolk police is working to improve after solving just 1 in 7 house burglaries, says Tim Passmore Suffolk police solved barely one in seven house burglaries reported last year, with more than a thousand cases left unanswered, new figures show. East Anglian Daily Times 13/6/2016 News Findings of watchdog review into Police Scotland spy unit delayed A high-profile review into a Police Scotland Unit that unlawfully spied on journalists’ sources has been delayed. The Herald (Scotland) 13/6/2016 News Met to train riot police as back-up gun squad in case of terror attack Scotland Yard is to train a squad of riot police as firearms officers to act as a reserve force to cope with a Paris-style terror attack. The Standard 13/6/2016 News Inquest funding: ‘Hillsborough Law’ needed, Andy Burnham says BBC 13/6/2016 News Small businesses bearing the brunt of cyber crime Federation of Small Business 13/6/2016 News Cyber resilience: How to protect small firms in the digital economy Federation of Small Business 13/6/2016 Report Police spend £600,000 a year on leased building it no longer uses Police Scotland is paying £600,000 in rent for a former HQ building they no longer use. The national force has inherited the long-term lease over the one-time base of the elite Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency The Herald (Scotland) 12/6/2016 News Britain’s Euro 2016 police chief lambasts ‘tooled up’ Russian fans Assistant chief constable Mark Roberts says some supporters wore gum shields during clashes with England fans in Marseille. The Guardian 12/6/2016 News Armed Metropolitan cops fired their weapons by MISTAKE 125 times in five years Three officers have suffered injuries, including a gunshot wound to the foot – and five incidents took place at royal palaces Mirror 12/6/2016 News ‘All non-white police put on corruption list’ The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 12/6/2016 News Should our borders be run by the private sector? With the government's eBorders programme behind schedule and projected to blow past its budget, is it time that our national borders went into private stewardship? Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/6/2016 Analysis, Feature Domestic abuse victim who called police was told to try her local Sharia council instead A domestic abuse victim who called police was directed to her local Sharia council instead. Another woman who told West Yorkshire police that her ex had threatened to flee to Pakistan with their daughter was also advised to contact her Sharia council. Mail Online 12/6/2016 News Thames Valley Police and Crime Panel Annual Report I am proud to introduce the fourth annual report of the Thames Valley Police and Crime Panel since the Panel’s inception in November 2012. Thames Valley OPCC 12/6/2016 Report Policing and Crime Bill Emergency Services Collaboration: Overview of Part 1 of the Bill The Home Office, Department for Communities and Local Government1 and the Department of Health jointly launched a public consultation on 11 September 2015. The response is set out in this report. Wiltshire OPCC 12/6/2016 Report Policing and Crime Bill: Emergency Services Collaboration: Background There are ten regional ambulance trusts which provide ambulance services in England, five of which are currently foundation trusts. Wiltshire OPCC 12/6/2016 Report Policing and Crime Bill Factsheet: Amendments to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 Amendments to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 Wiltshire OPCC 12/6/2016 Report «472647274728472947304731473247334734Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events