Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98768 total results. Showing results 94561 to 94580 «472547264727472847294730473147324733Next ›Last » PCC announces preferred candidate for Chief Constable Surrey’s Police and Crime Commissioner, David Munro, has today announced that Nick Ephgrave is his preferred candidate for the role of Chief Constable of Surrey Police. Surrey OPCC 14/6/2016 News South Yorkshire Police spend £2.1m on chief’s Hillsborough costs BBC 14/6/2016 News Every garda sent an email telling them how to be a whistleblower The Journal (Republic of Ireland) 14/6/2016 News Theresa May: Police to review security of major events after Orlando massacre Theresa May told MPs that police forces would be reviewing plans for major events as she spoke after a minute's silence was held in the Commons. The Standard 13/6/2016 News Review announced to address overly lenient sentences A major review of sentencing issues in Northern Ireland will be conducted to improve public perception and confidence, Justice Minister Claire Sugden has announced. Police Professional 13/6/2016 News Police could be disciplined years after leaving force under ‘Hillsborough law’ Police officers could face the prospect of disciplinary proceedings many years after they have left the force, under new proposals being put forward by the Government. 13/6/2016 News Midwives call for crackdown on female genital mutilation as figures show 3.4 cases committed every day Midwives have called for more action to address female genital mutilation (FGM) after more than 1,200 cases were recorded in England in just three months. Police Professional 13/6/2016 News State-of-the-art station for police and fire service officially opened The chair of the North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority has officially opened the Tywyn Fire and Police Station this month. Cambrian News 13/6/2016 News Norfolk crime survey results: Your thoughts on policing in the county People in Norfolk are concerned the budget for policing in the county has been cut too much – although not about the loss of Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs), an online survey for this newspaper reveals. Eastern Daily Press 13/6/2016 News Force led consortium playing a big ‘part’ West Yorkshire Police is set to see savings of £79,000 every four years, after negotiating a new deal on the replacement of Peugeot vehicle parts. West Yorkshire Police 13/6/2016 News Annual Review of Police and Crime Panel Rules of Procedure There has been no change to the Home Office Grant allocation for the Panel which is £64,340. Thames Valley OPCC 13/6/2016 Report Thames Valley Police and Crime Panel Work Programme 2016 Thames Valley OPCC 13/6/2016 Report Kent OPCC: Chief Finance Officer Salary: circa £73k. Closing date: Friday 24th June Kent OPCC 13/6/2016 Jobs Met to train riot police as back-up gun squad in case of terror attack The Standard 13/6/2016 News Police Reform Bill – key points and potential impacts Supporting documents: Factsheet: Overview of the Bill Wiltshire OPCC 13/6/2016 Report Volunteers and Special Constables Task Group: A contract is about to be agreed with an external company to deliver a SCs recruitment strategy, based on a model implemented successfully in Northamptonshire. Wiltshire OPCC 13/6/2016 Report Wiltshire PCC’s Diary I write a weekly blog which provides a brief overview for the public of what I have been up. This is published on my website ( and the content of these blogs is copied below for the Panel’s information. Wiltshire OPCC 13/6/2016 Report Progress Of The PCC – Achievement Of The Strategy Towards Domestic Violence This report gives an update of the journey to improve the Force’s service to victims of Domestic Abuse, addressing recommendations and issues raised in HMIC reports Bedfordshire Police’s approach to tackling domestic abuse (2014) and PEEL: effectiveness 2015. Bedfordshire OPCC 13/6/2016 Report Bedfordshire Police And Crime Panel Communications Strategy The Panel has an adopted Communications Strategy to provide an overall framework to facilitate a structured approach to communicating the Panel’s work. Bedfordshire OPCC 13/6/2016 Report Winning bidding: Accessing policing’s billion-pound transformation funds A share of the £1 billion available through the Home Office's policing transformation funds will in due course be awarded to the best bids. CoPaCC's CEO, Bernard Rix suggests how, OPCCs, forces and their partners can increase their chances of submitting successful proposals. Policing Insight 13/6/2016 News «472547264727472847294730473147324733Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events