Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98773 total results. Showing results 94481 to 94500 «472147224723472447254726472747284729Next ›Last » After the murder of Jo Cox, how do we protect our MPs and PCCs? The shocking murder of Jo Cox MP has brought into sharp focus the personal safety of MPs, PCCs and other political representatives. Carina O'Reilly looks at how we balance the protection of our democratic representatives with preserving their accessibility to the people they serve. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/6/2016 Analysis Messy problems: The complexity of ‘demand’ in policing What is the real impact of reduced police numbers? Dr Joan Donnelly of the Police Federation of England and Wales discusses the complexity of 'demand', ahead of a conference next week at Canterbury Christ Church University on Evidence Based Policing: Beyond the Randomised Control Trial. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/6/2016 Opinion Preferred candidate selected for Chief Constable Durham's Deputy Chief Constable Stephen Watson has been selected as the preferred candidate for new Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police South Yorkshire OPCC 17/6/2016 News PSAEW opposed to ‘no time limit’ for misconduct matters The PSAEW has written to the Policing Minister setting out its concerns about plans to remove the time limit in which officers can be investigated for misconduct once they have left the service. Police Superintendents' Association (PSA) 17/6/2016 News Security for MPs: What are the current measures and what is changing? The fatal shooting and stabbing of Labour MP Jo Cox has reignited an ongoing debate about security for politicians across the UK. ITV News 17/6/2016 Analysis, Feature Lancashire PCC – Scrutiny Performance Data The Public Confidence Survey is a monthly telephone survey. The survey is of 600 randomly selected people and is undertaken independent of the Constabulary by SMSR. Lancashire OPCC 17/6/2016 Report Police and crime panels – Guidance on appointing independent co-opted members. By carefully selecting individuals that complement the councillors nominated to the panel, independent co-optees can be used to fill experience, knowledge and skills gaps to help make the panel more effective. Lancashire OPCC 17/6/2016 Report Police and Crime Plan Performance Monitoring Report The Purpose of this report is to provide Members of the Panel with an update on progress in delivering the Police and Crime Plan for Lancashire 2013-2018 including a performance report in relation to the success measures contained within the Plan and a brief outline of other key commissioner activity. Lancashire OPCC 17/6/2016 Report Wearable Technology in Public Safety – The Dominant Role of Bodyworn Cameras In the market of wearable devices, body-worn cameras are gaining momentum in several areas. The impact of wearable devices in enterprises and governments is becoming increasingly evident. This attention is striking in public safety. For the purpose of this study, we have divided the market into two macro groups: police body-worn cameras (BWC) and beyond police body-worn cameras (BWC). This study explores the former and provides an understanding of the level of adoption and challenges to adoption of BWC in police forces. There is also consideration of the role of BWC in applications beyond police use and the market potential. Beacham Research - Subscription at source 17/6/2016 Report Scheme to train specials to catch paedophiles progressing well ExCEOP head Jim Gamble says one force has already signed up to the idea and he expects others to follow Police Oracle - Subscription at source 17/6/2016 News Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner ‘key appointment’ but councillors hit out over U-turn and £44,000 salary Dorset's police and crime commissioner’s (PCC) new deputy is said to act as a ‘bridge builder’ between the commissioner and the public. Dorset Echo 17/6/2016 News Police Scotland may face criminal action as report on M9 deaths completed Police Scotland may face criminal proceedings over the death of M9 crash couple Lamara Bell and John Yuill. Police watchdog Pirc have passed the findings of a new “exhaustive” investigation into the circumstances around the car crash and the failure of officers to follow up on reports of a vehicle off the road. The National 17/6/2016 News Sir Cliff urges police procedures review after naming over sex abuse allegations Sir Cliff Richard joined calls for a "complete review of police procedures", condemning the fact that he was named in public over sexual abuse allegations before being charged. Halifax Courier 17/6/2016 News Victims of domestic violence need help from employers as well as police A coordinated response to domestic violence must look beyond criminal justice. Safe spaces and abuse champions in the workplace are the next frontier says Keir Starmer, a Labour MP and former director of public prosecutions from 2008-2013. The Guardian 17/6/2016 Feature, Opinion Armed police drive is a proportionate response Officers with firearms may lead to unease, but in a changing world it is a measure designed to counter grave threats. The Scotsman 17/6/2016 Feature, Opinion Force has a long history of controversy and ineptitude The Times - Subscription at source 17/6/2016 Analysis, Feature Murdered MP had faced string of security threats The Times - Subscription at source 17/6/2016 News Avon and Somerset Police to end Southwest One contract Avon and Somerset Police will not be renewing its contract with the joint venture company Southwest One, the BBC has learned. A 10-year-long deal is due to end in June 2018, and chief constable Andy Marsh confirmed he had "given notice" that the contract will not be renewed. Instead he said he wants to work with neighbouring police and fire services. Southwest One, which is 75% owned by IBM, carries out administrative, IT and human resources tasks for the force. BBC 16/6/2016 News Scotland to increase armed police numbers Scotland is to increase its number of armed police officers by about a third following warnings that the country would not be able to cope with a major terror attack. BBC 16/6/2016 News How to take on a terrorist: Lessons from Norway’s treatment of Breivik Norway’s apparent mildness, rooted in the rule of law and human dignity, robbed the killer Anders Breivik of what he most desired The Guardian 16/6/2016 Feature, Opinion «472147224723472447254726472747284729Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events