Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98786 total results. Showing results 94401 to 94420 «471747184719472047214722472347244725Next ›Last » Appointment of Chief Finance Officer – Warwickshire The purpose of this report is to enable members of the Police and Crime Panel to consider PCC's proposed permanent appointment of a Chief Finance Officer (CFO) Warwickshire OPCC 23/6/2016 Report Letter to all Police and Crime Panels Chairs enclosing the PCC Ethical Checklist and ‘Tone from the Top’ Committee on Standards in Public Life has​ c​alled for greater energy and consistency in promoting ethical standards in local policing and made a number of recommendations including some specifically directed towards Police and Crime Panels. South Wales OPCC 23/6/2016 Report North Wales PCC pledges to step up the battle to bring online paedophiles down Arfon Jones spoke after visiting the Paedophile Online Investigation Team (POLIT) which works with the force's Cyber Crime Team and High Tech Crime Unit at St Asaph North Wales Live 23/6/2016 News Scrutiny Arrangements for Swansea’s Public Services Board Public Services Board Scrutiny Performance Panel Terms of Reference Appendix A South Wales OPCC 23/6/2016 Report Dorset Police close to reaching national target for DBS checks Dorset Police has revealed it is making positive steps in reducing the backlog of criminal record checks. The police force has been criticised in the past for the delay in completing Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks. Dorset Echo 23/6/2016 News Fighting crime with computers: Is predictive policing the future of law enforcement? Predictive policing is causing crime rates to fall – but it comes with privacy concerns. International Business Times UK 23/6/2016 Analysis, Feature Police Scotland refusing to disclose how many children it detained in 2015 Scotland's single police force has refused to tell journalists how many children it detained in 2015, sparking fresh criticism around human rights. Common Space 23/6/2016 News Euro 2016 disorder illustrates value of progressive UK police approach Academic and fans groups praise British officers. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/6/2016 News Increased visibility and more confidence key planks of new Beds PCC pledge Bedfordshire’s police and crime commissioner (PCC) has become the first of the newly elected batch to reveal her policing plans for the next 12 months. Police Professional 23/6/2016 News Decriminalising drug use is explored in the new UK-wide report ‘Taking a New Line on Drugs’ The issue of decriminalising drug use is explored in the new UK-wide report ‘Taking a New Line on Drugs’ which has already received the backing of several charities and law enforcement officials. Telegraph and Argus 23/6/2016 News Human rights charity criticises Hampshire police for training high-ranking Saudi officer Reprieve said the Middle Eastern country’s police are involved in shocking abuse, torture and death sentences resulting from unfair trials. The News (Portsmouth) 23/6/2016 News Police to consult public on strategy Police are to work more closely with communities on tackling crime after a string of controversies that have threatened to undermine the relationship between Scots and their national force. The Times - Subscription at source 23/6/2016 News Whistleblower on racism suing Cleveland Police A former police officer who blew the whistle on institutional racism is suing the force for abuse of power. The Northern Echo 23/6/2016 News Birmingham pub bombings: Police face £1m legal bill for new inquests Details of potential lawyer costs were published in the force accounts Birmingham Live 23/6/2016 News Stretched Police Scotland ask public to shape priorities The public are being asked for their views as Scotland’s cash-strapped police force seeks to re-shape its priorities for the years ahead. The Scotsman 23/6/2016 News What sort of chief constable do YOU want? The Wave 23/6/2016 News Britain to open refuges to support child victims of sexual abuse Child houses inspired by Icelandic scheme will tackle ‘public health emergency’ of abuse and offer young people expert care The Guardian 22/6/2016 News EU agrees new border, coast guard scheme The European Union agreed Wednesday to set up a new border and coast guard agency to better manage migrant arrivals after more than a million people came to the EU in search of jobs or sanctuary last year. Mail Online 22/6/2016 News Ex-police federation chairman sues Cleveland Police over allegations of a ‘targeted campaign’ Steve Matthews has accused Cleveland Police of phone call monitoring Gazette Live 22/6/2016 News Brexit campaigners claim control of immigration vital for UK security The safety and security of Britain as a nation has been pushed to the forefront of the 2016 EU referendum debate through a desire to "control", leading Brexiteer Dr Liam Fox admits. Police Professional 22/6/2016 News «471747184719472047214722472347244725Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events