Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98845 total results. Showing results 94221 to 94240 «470847094710471147124713471447154716Next ›Last » College of Policing: Three years on 9/7/2016 Report “Alarming” inconsistencies in policing across forces must be addressed The Home Affairs Committee says there is an "alarming lack of consistency across forces" in England and Wales, which are still failing to embed the College of Policing's Code of Ethics. If policing is to move on from controversies and scandals such as Hillsborough and undercover policing then reassuring the public of the integrity of those involved must be the first priority. 9/7/2016 News Report slams ‘opaque’ training deal between UK police and overseas states Home affairs select committee criticises arrangement between College of Policing and regimes with dubious human rights records The Guardian 9/7/2016 News Ask Fed – Andy Fittes on how Brexit will affect policing Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 9/7/2016 Feature, Opinion PCC John Campion defends appointing colleague Tracey Onslow as deputy Bromsgrove Advertiser 9/7/2016 News Police And Crime Plan Performance Update This report sets out the work undertaken by the Northamptonshire Police and Crime Commission since the last meeting of the Police and Crime panel which took place on the 7th April 2016. Northamptonshire OPCC 8/7/2016 Report 2015-16 Revenue Expenditure Provisional Outturn – Northamptonshire PCC The provisional outturn for 2015-16 is an underspend of £2.120m. Northamptonshire OPCC 8/7/2016 Report Police Scotland to delete millions of vehicle records over illegality concerns Scotland’s police force is to delete millions of vehicle movement records amid concerns its retention of this data breaches data protection laws Scottish Legal News 8/7/2016 News Police boss vows to improve community links as North Devon’s PCSOs face uncertain future Devon and Cornwall's new Police and Crime Commissioner has said she would "not be against" cutting PCSOs in North Devon during her inaugural speech to North Devon Council. North Devon Journal 8/7/2016 News Overtime bumping up police salaries Almost 80 of Cumbria's police constables topped up their basic salaries by more than £5,000 last year - with a handful raking in extra payments of up to £13,000. News & Star 8/7/2016 News Police report 42% rise in hate incidents in fortnight around EU referendum Over 3,000 incidents recorded in week before and after vote with biggest daily rise on first full day after result declared The Guardian 8/7/2016 News Retiring judge uses farewell speech to blast CPS and police An often outspoken and controversial senior Crown Court judge used his retirement speech to slam the Crown Prosecution Service and the police. The Telegraph 8/7/2016 News Police chief warns Brexit may make it harder to remove foreign criminals A police chief has warned that the Brexit vote could make it much more difficult and complicated to remove dangerous foreign criminals. ITV News 8/7/2016 News Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery’ Proactive Scrutiny Report The introduction of the Modern Slavery Partnership for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight has brought partners together to lead a multi-agency co- ordinated the approach across the two counties. Hampshire OPCC 8/7/2016 Report Proposed Interim Proactive Work Programme for Hampshire’s Police and Crime Panel The purpose of this paper is to detail the proactive scrutiny work programme of the Hampshire Police and Crime Panel (“the Panel”) for the 2016/17 municipal year. Hampshire OPCC 8/7/2016 Report ‘Sharp rise’ in reported hate crime BBC 8/7/2016 News Ministry of Justice: Annual Report and Accounts 2015-16 Ministry of Justice (MoJ) 8/7/2016 Report Dallas police shooting: Four officers killed, seven hurt by snipers BBC 8/7/2016 News NCA Strategic Cyber Industry Group Cyber Crime Assessment 2016 This assessment has been jointly produced by the National Crime Agency (NCA) and the Strategic Cyber Industry Group (SCIG). It outlines the real and immediate threat to UK businesses from cyber crime. It argues that the speed of criminal capability development is currently outpacing our response as a community and that only by working together across law enforcement and the private sector can we successfully reduce the threat to the UK from cyber crime. National Crime Agency (NCA) 7/7/2016 Report NCA report calls for stronger law enforcement and business partnership to fight cyber crime The National Crime Agency has today published the pdf Cyber Crime Assessment 2016 (189 KB), outlining the immediate threat to UK businesses from cyber crime. This is the first cyber crime assessment produced jointly by the NCA and industry partners. National Crime Agency (NCA) 7/7/2016 News «470847094710471147124713471447154716Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events