Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98845 total results. Showing results 94201 to 94220 «470747084709471047114712471347144715Next ›Last » Some criminals given 10 suspended sentences before incarceration Criminals are being handed up to 10 suspended sentences at a time before they are finally put in prison, new figures have revealed. Free Press 11/7/2016 News Children guilty of sexual abuse should not be ‘unnecessarily criminalised’ Charity-backed inquiry says national strategy is needed to help children and parents understand what sexual conduct is illegal The Guardian 11/7/2016 News In the aftermath of Brexit, police must improve hate crime training Social tensions have been exacerbated by the EU referendum, and current training for officers bears little resemblance to working on the frontline says Loretta Trickett, Researcher, Nottingham Trent University The Guardian 11/7/2016 Analysis, Feature Call to centralise police recruitment in bid to tackle inconsistencies Mail Online 11/7/2016 News A single photo that captures race and policing in America The Atlantic 11/7/2016 News Sex abuse: Warning over treatment of child ‘offenders’ BBC 11/7/2016 News New powers suggested to help College of Policing address ‘postcode lottery’ of policing standards Pressure will be on the College of Policing to make a series of sweeping reforms following government recommendations to give it further powers to address an “alarming” lack of consistency across the police service. Police Professional 10/7/2016 News Sussex PCC’s Annual Report 2015/16 This continues to be a very difficult time for the police service and, despite this, I am still pleased to be able to report that Sussex Police continues to deliver efficient and effective policing across the county, meeting the priorities set out in my Police and Crime Plan. Sussex OPCC 10/7/2016 Report East Midlands Police and Crime Panel Network The report is intended to enable the Northamptonshire Police & Crime Panel to consider and agree whether it wishes to continue its membership of the East Midlands Police & Crime Panel Network for 2016/17. Northamptonshire OPCC 10/7/2016 Report Northamptonshire Police and Crime Panel – Proposed outline Work Programme for 2016/17 The proposed work programme below includes statutory functions as well as the regular updates provided by the previous PCC Northamptonshire OPCC 10/7/2016 Report Written Questions By The Public Raised at Sussex Police and Crime Panel Meeting The table below provides a schedule of the written questions received prior to Police and Crime Panel meeting on 4th July, where possible responses have been included. Sussex Police 10/7/2016 Report Policing the PCCs: Emerging themes from current research Police and Crime Panels were set up to scrutinise Police and Crime Commissioners, but how successful have they been? Former senior police officer Roy Bailey finds that a lot of work needs to be done to make PCPs more effective in their key role of holding PCCs to account. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 10/7/2016 Analysis Kensington and Chelsea police crack down on noisy supercar drivers Police take action amid complaints about noisy supercars and dangerous driving in affluent London districts The Guardian 10/7/2016 Jobs Cliff Richard to sue BBC and South Yorkshire Police BBC 10/7/2016 News Brexit vote could see defence budget reduced 10/7/2016 Feature, Opinion Northamptonshire Police And Crime Panel 2016 Estates Update This report sets out information on a number of significant issues relating to the Commissioner’s Estate, including the recent sale of part of the Wootton Hall Park. Northamptonshire OPCC 9/7/2016 Report Informal Resolution Protocol – non-criminal complaints against the PCC and DPCC in Northamptonshire The Monitoring Officer of Northamptonshire County Council will act as the first point of contact for all complaints made against the Northamptonshire PCC and DPCC. Northamptonshire OPCC 9/7/2016 Report Who would be who in Theresa May’s cabinet? The front runner to be prime minister on 9 September has said she will appoint a Leaver as Secretary of State for Brexit, but who would it be? And who would be her Chancellor, Home Secretary and Foreign Secretary? The Independent 9/7/2016 Feature, Opinion A weaker and more isolated island: Brexit and organised crime How could the Brexit vote affect the UK's ability to deal with organised crime? Dr Anna Sergi of the University of Essex argues that the UK's isolation could be game changing for criminal gangs – and in the worst way. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 9/7/2016 Opinion YP comment: Police must win back lost trust. Hillsborough’s enduring legacy The Yorkshire Post 9/7/2016 Feature, Opinion «470747084709471047114712471347144715Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events