Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 99159 total results. Showing results 91901 to 91920 «459245934594459545964597459845994600Next ›Last » Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel 2015/16 Annual Report This report covers how the Panel carried out its role with the former Commissioner in 2015/16. Warwickshire OPCC 28/11/2016 Report Report of the Budget Working Group The Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel has agreed to delegate quarterly monitoring in respect of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s budget to the Budget Working Group. Warwickshire OPCC 28/11/2016 Report Transparency: Offices of Police and Crime Commissioners (OPCCs) recognised for excellence Bernard Rix, CoPaCC Chief Executive and Publisher of Policing Insight, provides details of today's event to recognise OPCCs for meeting their statutory requirements on openness and transparency. Policing Insight 28/11/2016 News Report on the work of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire The purpose of this report is to provide members of the Panel with an update on the key activities that have taken place since the panel last met. Policing Insight 28/11/2016 Report Strategic Scrutiny Meeting Report The Chief Constable of Lancashire presented a report on performance figures in respect of crime reduction and detection rates, with particular reference to an overview of performance; Lancashire OPCC 28/11/2016 Report Police and Crime Commissioner’s Decisions – Lancashire Decisions made and/or published since the last scheduled meeting of the Police and Crime Panel. Lancashire OPCC 28/11/2016 Report Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 28/11/2016 News Lancashires’s Police And Crime Plan 2016 – 2021 This is against a back drop of reduced officers - we have 750 fewer officers in 2016 than we had in 2010. Lancashire OPCC 28/11/2016 Report Protecting Vulnerable People Scrutiny This report outlines the process for the whole Panel scrutiny of the Protecting Vulnerable People priority. Lancashire OPCC 28/11/2016 Report New police plan to mobilise communities and disrupt terrorists An innovative police scheme that deploys teams of officers to disrupt criminals and terrorists in crowded places is calling on the public to play their part in making it a success. The move comes at the start of National Counter Terrorism Awareness Week (Monday Nov 28 to Sunday Dec 4, #CTAW2016). National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 28/11/2016 News Force helps children train to avoid sex abuse The initiative involves interactive animations which train children how to avoid being exploited. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 28/11/2016 News ‘Consider legalising all drugs’ says police boss Arfon Jones North Wales Crime Commissioner says new approach needed as war on drug crime has 'totally failed' North Wales Live 28/11/2016 News Counter-terror police units set to patrol London’s streets Anti-terrorism police patrol units will soon be roaming London’s streets, Scotland Yard has announced. Uniformed and undercover officers will be sent out together in an attempt to spot people carrying out "hostile reconnaissance" and other criminal activity in the capital. The Standard 28/11/2016 News Commissioner Launches Police and Crime Plan 2016-2020 Cumbria's Police and Crime Commissioner, Peter McCall has today launched his four year Police and Crime Plan to make Cumbria an even safer place. Cumbria OPCC 28/11/2016 News Cumbria’s Police and Crime Plan 2016 – 2020 Cumbria OPCC 28/11/2016 Report Commissioner launches Police and Crime Plan to make Cumbria safer Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Peter McCall has today launched his four year Police and Crime Plan to make Cumbria an even safer place. Cumbria Crack 28/11/2016 News Cash-strapped police force tells homeowners to plant prickly hedges outside their houses to prevent burglaries Mail Online 28/11/2016 News Call to delete mugshots of the innocent Hundreds of thousands of mugshots could be removed from the police’s national database after government advisers recommended limits on how long they could be stored. The Times - Subscription at source 28/11/2016 News How virtual fingerprints can trace dirty money The Times - Subscription at source 28/11/2016 Analysis, Feature Tesco Bank ‘failed to heed warning on cyberattack’ Security flaw enabled fraudsters to steal millions The Times - Subscription at source 28/11/2016 News «459245934594459545964597459845994600Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events