Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98790 total results. Showing results 91521 to 91540 «457345744575457645774578457945804581Next ›Last » British security forces are too good for Isis, suspect claims The alleged Isis accomplice said that Britain had “a more developed secret service and better observation techniques” than France The Times - Subscription at source 29/11/2016 News With hate crimes on the rise, police are going undercover and monitoring social media for signs of trouble Los Angeles Times 29/11/2016 Analysis, Feature Cop quits force and sets up a crime-fighting security firm in protest at police cutbacks A police officer has quit the force he worked for to set up his own crime-fighting security firm. Lewis Kearney, 32, resigned from his 12-year career with Essex Police because of his dismay at falling staff levels. Mirror 28/11/2016 News Europol beats personal best as thousands of domain names seized for selling fake products More than 4,500 websites selling counterfeit goods have had their domain names seized in a global crackdown on intellectual property crime. Police Professional 28/11/2016 News Performance Report Spreadsheet November 2016 – Devon and Cornwall Update from the Police and Crime Commissioner in respect of performance against objectives and performance measures in the Police and Crime Plan. Devon & Cornwall OPCC 28/11/2016 Report Office Of The Police And Crime Commissioner’s Performance Report In response to the feedback from the Police and Crime Panel at the last meeting this report presents an update on a limited set of the performance measures set out in the previous Police and Crime Plan 2015/16 Devon & Cornwall OPCC 28/11/2016 Report A single vision and strategy: The case for moving beyond collaboration PCC Stephen Mold on the future of joint police and fire initiatives in Northamptonshire and his plans for improving services to the public Policing Insight - Subscription at source 28/11/2016 Opinion Common sense collaboration: No mergers required PCC Lord Willy Bach calls for common sense collaboration between services and argues that giving PCCs the power to take over the running of Fire and Rescue Authorities is a step too far Policing Insight - Subscription at source 28/11/2016 Opinion Paying for police tech Police Market Report 28/11/2016 Analysis, Feature What a legal recreational drug market would look like in the UK Vice 28/11/2016 Analysis, Feature Anti-terrorism patrols launch in London boroughs BBC 28/11/2016 News Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel 2015/16 Annual Report This report covers how the Panel carried out its role with the former Commissioner in 2015/16. Warwickshire OPCC 28/11/2016 Report Report of the Budget Working Group The Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel has agreed to delegate quarterly monitoring in respect of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s budget to the Budget Working Group. Warwickshire OPCC 28/11/2016 Report Transparency: Offices of Police and Crime Commissioners (OPCCs) recognised for excellence Bernard Rix, CoPaCC Chief Executive and Publisher of Policing Insight, provides details of today's event to recognise OPCCs for meeting their statutory requirements on openness and transparency. Policing Insight 28/11/2016 News Report on the work of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire The purpose of this report is to provide members of the Panel with an update on the key activities that have taken place since the panel last met. Policing Insight 28/11/2016 Report Strategic Scrutiny Meeting Report The Chief Constable of Lancashire presented a report on performance figures in respect of crime reduction and detection rates, with particular reference to an overview of performance; Lancashire OPCC 28/11/2016 Report Police and Crime Commissioner’s Decisions – Lancashire Decisions made and/or published since the last scheduled meeting of the Police and Crime Panel. Lancashire OPCC 28/11/2016 Report Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 28/11/2016 News Lancashires’s Police And Crime Plan 2016 – 2021 This is against a back drop of reduced officers - we have 750 fewer officers in 2016 than we had in 2010. Lancashire OPCC 28/11/2016 Report Protecting Vulnerable People Scrutiny This report outlines the process for the whole Panel scrutiny of the Protecting Vulnerable People priority. Lancashire OPCC 28/11/2016 Report «457345744575457645774578457945804581Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events