Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98786 total results. Showing results 91481 to 91500 «457145724573457445754576457745784579Next ›Last » New approach to vulnerability for policing announced Almost £2million has been awarded to the College of Policing to transform the service’s approach to vulnerability, it was said today. College of Policing 30/11/2016 News Amber Rudd plans licence to practise for police probing child sex abuse Police investigating child sex abuse should have a licence to practise similar to the system for firearms officers, the Home Secretary has said. Belfast Telegraph 30/11/2016 News Webcam blackmail cases have doubled, police say BBC 30/11/2016 News More young men being blackmailed over videos of sex acts, says NCA National Crime Agency warns of growing threat of ‘sextortion’ after four British men targeted by such scams kill themselves in one year The Guardian 30/11/2016 News Hillsborough: police media officer loses ‘coercion to spin’ case Hayley Court said she was told by South Yorkshire police to spin positive coverage at inquests, but IPCC finds no case to answer The Guardian 30/11/2016 News Tough terms for violent inmates The Times - Subscription at source 30/11/2016 News Police chief ‘bared breast in row with colleague’ The Times - Subscription at source 30/11/2016 News Work to get underway on joint police and fire station in Prescot Work is due to start on building a station which will accommodate both police and fire service staff in Prescot. St Helens Star 29/11/2016 News Far-right terrorism threat growing as forces face ‘broader range of dangerous ideologies’ The threat from neo-Nazis is being taken as seriously at that of the so-called Islamic State (Daesh) extremists, the senior national coordinator for counter terrorism policing says. Police Professional 29/11/2016 News Drop in firearms offences Number of deaths or injuries caused by firearms falls by over a quarter. Scottish Government 29/11/2016 News ‘Snooper’s charter’ bill becomes law, extending UK state surveillance Home secretary hails ‘world-leading’ laws, which include forcing web and phone companies to collect browsing histories The Guardian 29/11/2016 News Cambridgeshire PCCs Report on Future Decisions. Report on likely future decisions with current background papers and anticipated timescale/date. Cambridgeshire OPCC 29/11/2016 Report Hate Crime Report – Cambridgeshire The purpose of this report is to make the Cambridgeshire PCP aware of how the PCC and Cambridgeshire Constabulary’s are dealing with the hate crimes and incidents. Cambridgeshire OPCC 29/11/2016 Report PSNI make ‘Boaty McBoatface’ style appeal for police car name BBC 29/11/2016 News Justice Minister Dr Phillip Lee’s speech at Youth Justice Convention Ministry of Justice (MoJ) 29/11/2016 Report Investigatory Powers Bill receives Royal Assent A landmark bill which sets out and governs the powers available to the police, security and intelligence agencies to gather and access electronic communications has received Royal Assent. Home Office 29/11/2016 News YJB launches young person participation strategy Capturing the views and opinions of young people is vital if we are to have a truly distinct and child centred youth justice sector. This strategy sets out our commitment to improving engagement with young people. Youth Justice Board 29/11/2016 News HMIC organisational strategy 2016 The organisational strategy sets out – for staff, the public, the police and others with whom we work – who we are as an organisation; our purpose and objectives; and where we want to be by 2020. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 29/11/2016 Report Police report 11% rise in wildlife crime The Courier (Scotland) 29/11/2016 News Five lessons from the rise of bodycams How not to respond to the next police surveillance technology Slate 29/11/2016 Analysis, Feature «457145724573457445754576457745784579Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events