Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98768 total results. Showing results 91341 to 91360 «456445654566456745684569457045714572Next ›Last » Progress Against The Police And Crime Plan – December 2016 Attached is progress against the key performance aims set out in the plan. These aims are scheduled to be achieved over the course of the next 4 years. Surrey OPCC 5/12/2016 Report Armed policing, surveillance and other specialist capabilities: Getting the governance right Gavin Hales, Deputy Director of the Police Foundation, takes a look at new research by the Foundation on the governance of specialist policing capabilities. Funded by the APCC and NPCC, the research identifies four key factors for 'good governance' of the Networked Policing Model. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 5/12/2016 Analysis Leicestershire’s OPCC Structure And Budget A review is already underway in discussion with Human Resources to enable additional resources to be appointed and an interim structure implemented as soon as possible. Leicestershire OPCC 5/12/2016 Report Monthly review of Police and Crime Panel activity This is the first of a monthly series where CoPaCC's Sandra Andrews takes a look at some of the most interesting and topical issues that Police and Crime Panels across England and Wales are dealing with. This month, Sandra looks at the work being carried out by MOPAC’s Police and Crime Committee on Serious Youth Violence, and Merseyside Panel's review of the problems with their local Appropriate Adults Scheme. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 5/12/2016 News Why policing drug crime in London simply isn’t working Over the course of the last twelve months, there has been increased focus on the role of policing drugs in the UK. TV presenter and writer Alex Stewart spent six years working on the front line combating drug related crime in London as a Metropolitan Police Officer. Here he provides a genuinely eye-opening insight into the capricious nature of policing the illicit drug market in the capital. Volteface 5/12/2016 Feature, Opinion If cops don’t turn on their body cameras, courts should instruct juries to think twice about their testimony American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) 5/12/2016 Feature, Opinion The governance of supra-force specialist policing capabilities The Police Foundation 5/12/2016 Report Supra-force specialist policing capabilities: new research by the Police Foundation The Police Foundation 5/12/2016 Analysis, Feature Transparency: Ten more OPCCs recognised for excellence Bernard Rix, CoPaCC Chief Executive and Publisher of Policing Insight, provides details of ten more OPCCs recognised today for meeting their statutory requirements on openness and transparency. Policing Insight 5/12/2016 News The Police and Fire service need to collaborate Letter from John Campion, West Mercia PCC The Ross Gazette 5/12/2016 Feature, Opinion MPs’ Magnitsky amendment to criminal finances bill would see abusers’ assets frozen in the UK New powers to freeze the UK assets of those suspected of abusing human rights have received the backing of a cross-party group of influential MPs ahead of a parliamentary vote on the latest anti-corruption legislation. City A.M. 5/12/2016 News Demand on police can be shown by new crime stats, researchers believe ONS researchers have developed a weighting model which they want to publish alongside traditional crime stats. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 5/12/2016 News New forensics programme boosted by transformation fund grant Plans to modernise use of forensics and biometrics will now get underway. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 5/12/2016 News Kent Police accused of ‘phasing out’ road policing as number of speeders caught drops by 80% The accusation comes amid new data which shows the number of drivers caught speeding by officers has dropped by more than 80 per cent in the past five years - from 6,109 in 2011 to 1,771 in 2015. Kent Live 5/12/2016 News Government integration expert says she ‘wants to see faces’ of Muslim police officers and midwives Dame Louise Casey has published a major report into social integration in the UK The Independent 5/12/2016 News Police Foundation: Specialist capabilities reform requires greater governance Forces must ensure effective governance of their own specialist capabilities if a proposed supra-force structure is to succeed, a report has concluded. Police Professional 5/12/2016 News The Casey Review: a review into opportunity and integration In July 2015, at the request of the then Prime Minister and Home Secretary, Dame Louise Casey was asked to undertake a review into integration and opportunity in our most isolated and deprived communities. This report sets out the findings of that review. Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) 5/12/2016 Report The tough questions on social integration are being ducked Our laws and values should protect every single person in Britain – and that just isn’t happening, says Louise Casey, who has just published the results of a review into integration and opportunity The Guardian 5/12/2016 Feature, Opinion Killer drivers to face to life sentences Dangerous drivers who kill are set to face life sentences, under plans put forward by ministers. Ministry of Justice (MoJ) 5/12/2016 News Essex PCC draws up fire service takeover plans Essex PCC wants to replace the fire authority Police Oracle - Subscription at source 5/12/2016 News «456445654566456745684569457045714572Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events