Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98768 total results. Showing results 91321 to 91340 «456345644565456645674568456945704571Next ›Last » Children were threatened with tasers by police more than 500 times last year – and fired at 43 times Police used Tasers when dealing with children at least 538 times last year - and fired at them 43 times. The youngest child targeted with one of the weapons was just 12, according to shocking figures released under freedom of information rules. Mail Online 6/12/2016 News Police ignored 170,000 of your crime calls – because of a staffing crisis Staggering failings admitted by West Midlands Police Coventry Live 6/12/2016 News Extremist images ‘fingerprinted’ by tech firms BBC 6/12/2016 News Police chief who bared breast faces clamour for her sacking The Times - Subscription at source 6/12/2016 News Cleveland police chief Barry Coppinger named among best in country for ‘openness and transparency’ Gazette (Tees/Middlesbrough) 6/12/2016 News Deputy Commissioner given two year contract extension Craig Mackey has been in the role since 2012 Police Oracle - Subscription at source 6/12/2016 News Calls for police boss Arfon Jones TO QUIT in drugs row North Wales Police Commissioner Arfon Jones refuses to resign after he called for the legalisation of drugs to be considered North Wales Live 6/12/2016 News Community service sentences must be tougher, says Britain’s top judge The country’s most senior judge has called for a debate on “tough alternatives to prison” for offenders in the modern Britain of today. Police Professional 5/12/2016 News Force ‘prioritises’ emergency calls as report shows 101 misses target by mile West Midlands Police (WMP) has admitted more than 170,000 calls to the 101 number went unanswered because of a staffing shortage. Police Professional 5/12/2016 News ‘RIDICULOUS’ Fury as police chief claims UK could be foreign criminal HAVEN after Brexit Foreign criminals could flock to Britain after the UK leaves the European Union, a police chief has warned Express 5/12/2016 News Home Office details further £26m in police innovation funding Latest tranche of funds outlined in 2015 Spending Review will aim to support projects including data analytics lab and national function to streamline DNA results Government Computing 5/12/2016 News PCC in employment tribunal brought by former deputy A police and crime commissioner (PCC) faces legal action over the decision to suspend his deputy earlier in the year. Police Professional 5/12/2016 News Northumbria Police chief warns Brexit could draw more foreign criminals to the UK Brexit may see an influx of foreign criminal gangs seeking to avoid the European arrest warrant, says Steve Ashman Chronicle Live (North East) 5/12/2016 News Scrutiny Of Remembrance Day Parade Policies Surrey Police’s policy regarding the policing of Remembrance Day Parades and in particular, the PCC’s response to some local concern over the levels of police support offered to certain local parades. Surrey OPCC 5/12/2016 Report National Developments In Policing There are three national developments in policing which will have an impact on local policing provision: The new Policing Funding Formula, The Policing Vision 2025 and Specialist Capabilities. Surrey OPCC 5/12/2016 Report Seattle ‘thief’ caught by remote car door lock An alleged car thief was arrested after he was remotely locked inside a stolen vehicle. BBC 5/12/2016 News Surrey Police Group Financial Report – Appendix A Financial Overview As At September 2016. Surrey OPCC 5/12/2016 Report Surrey Police Group Financial Report – Appendix B Capital Report 2016/17 Month 6 September Surrey OPCC 5/12/2016 Report Surrey Police Group Financial Report For Month 6 Financial Year 2016/17 Inevitably merging two finance functions that deal with a combined annual budget of more than £460 million can lead to teething problems. I am satisfied that the actual expenditure figures shown in the appendicies are correct I have less confidence in the accuracy of some of the year end forecast calculations. Surrey OPCC 5/12/2016 Report Surrey OPCC Month 6 2016/17 Financial Report The report compares the expenditure and income incurred and received by the OPCC, against the financial budget approved by the PCC in February 2016. Surrey OPCC 5/12/2016 Report «456345644565456645674568456945704571Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events