Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98768 total results. Showing results 91301 to 91320 «456245634564456545664567456845694570Next ›Last » Good officers ‘must stop being hung out to dry’ says chief College of Policing chief executive said people do not feel able to challenge the system Police Oracle - Subscription at source 7/12/2016 News Head of Policy Development and Engagement Salary: £48,708 to £62,634. Closes: 4th January, 2017 Hertfordshire OPCC 7/12/2016 Jobs New DAC announced for rapidly changing Met Police Commander promoted to position from rank which is set to be axed Police Oracle - Subscription at source 7/12/2016 News Force to ‘consider’ a trial letting clubbers get safety tests on their drugs before they use them Club goers may be allowed to take illegal substances for the first time if a pilot project aimed at cutting drug deaths among users in the UK gets off the ground. Police Professional 6/12/2016 News Lord Bach moves his office across police HQ to a more ‘fitting’ location – at a cost of £28k The Labour peer has left the office used by his Tory predecessor Sir Clive Loader and set up in what he describes as more 'fitting' accommodation closer to the office used by chief constable Simon Cole. Leicestershire Live 6/12/2016 News Metropolitan Police still running Windows XP on 19,000 desktops The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) is still running 19,500 desktops on Windows XP, despite the operating system having gone out of support two-and-a-half years ago. Computing 6/12/2016 News Governance Of Fire And Rescue In Surrey This paper provides an update on the PCC’s view on the future governance of the Fire and Rescue service in Surrey. Surrey OPCC 6/12/2016 Report CCTV In Surrey Public space CCTV operates across the Surrey Police area and is concentrated in the more urban areas. The systems are, with the exception of those at Clackets Lane Services, owned by the respective local authorities. Surrey OPCC 6/12/2016 Report Hate Crime In Surrey This paper provides an update on hate crimes in Surrey and the work done by Surrey Police and the Police and Crime Commissioner to address it. Surrey OPCC 6/12/2016 Report Feedback On Performance Meetings – Surrey This report provides an update on the meetings that have been held and what has been discussed in order to demonstrate that arrangements for good governance and scrutiny are in place. Surrey OPCC 6/12/2016 Report Quarterly Update with Questions And Answers From Lincolnshire’s PCC Theme – Police and Services that are there when you need them Lincolnshire OPCC 6/12/2016 Report Medium Term Financial Strategy And Proposed Precept 2017/18 Update This report is to provide high level information for the Police and Crime Panel in respect of the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS), an update on the Precept Considerations and timescales for the 2017/18 budget and precept process. Leicestershire OPCC 6/12/2016 Report Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 6/12/2016 News New NCA CEOP Director announced The new Director of the NCA’s Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command was confirmed today as Will Kerr, currently Assistant Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland. National Crime Agency (NCA) 6/12/2016 News EU criticises tech firms for slow action on hate speech BBC 6/12/2016 News Police Advisory Board for England and Wales: Annual report, 2015 to 2016 6/12/2016 Report What the tragedy of Dalian Atkinson taught us about Tasers Former footballer is just one in deadly litany of cases where police used shock tactic to subdue black men. i News 6/12/2016 Feature, Opinion Research Assistant UCL Department of Security and Crime Science wishes to recruit a research assistant to work on the Home Office Police Innovation Fund project focused on graduate recruit conversion courses for professionals. Closes: 3rd January 2017. Salary: £29,809 to £31,432 pa. University College London (UCL) 6/12/2016 Jobs West Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner outlines vision for future Safeguarding the most vulnerable people across Bradford and the rest of the county will be a key message given by West Yorkshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Mark Burns-Williamson as he unveils his new Police and Crime Plan today. Telegraph and Argus 6/12/2016 News State of Children’s Rights in England 2016: Policing & Criminal Justice This briefing is part of CRAE’s State of Children’s Rights 2016 and assesses the progress made in England towards implementing the UN Committee’s recommendations on civil liberties and criminal justice - which is an area of Special Protection Measures in the CRC. It highlights areas of progress, concern and improvement since July 2015 when CRAE coordinated the England Civil Society report to the UN Committee as part of the last reporting process [PDF] Children's Rights Alliance for England (CRAE) 6/12/2016 Report «456245634564456545664567456845694570Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events