Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98748 total results. Showing results 91261 to 91280 «456045614562456345644565456645674568Next ›Last » Draft Police And Crime Plan 2017-2021 For Leicester, Leicestershire And Rutland I have also taken into account ‘where we are now’ and what challenges the future might hold over the coming months and years. It is reassuring that we have a sound platform operationally and financially on which to build. Leicestershire OPCC 7/12/2016 Report Leicestershire’s Police And Crime Plan Public Consultation – Final Report Public consultation in regards to what should be included in the PCC’s Police and Crime Plan for his full period in office was carried out during the month of September. Leicestershire OPCC 7/12/2016 Report Leicestershire’s Draft Police And Crime Plan 2017-21 Formal recommendations from the Panel will be sought at the February meeting when the final Plan is presented. Leicestershire OPCC 7/12/2016 Report Deputy Director General, Operations The DDG Operations is the most senior operational lead within the National Crime Agency, a global law enforcement organisation, with responsibility for ensuring that every UK Serious and Organised Crime threat is understood and responded to in the most effective way, both nationally and internationally. Salary: The range for SCS PB3 is £106,000 to £208,100 - Salary on appointment will be subject to Ministerial approval. Grade: SCS Pay Band 3 / Contract type: Permanent / Location: London, SE11 5EF / Closing Date - 08.00 Friday 16th December 2016 National Crime Agency (NCA) 7/12/2016 Jobs Policing vulnerability: Definitions, legitimacy and thinking differently Vulnerability in policing is usually taken to mean the way that the police deal with vulnerable victims. However, as shown by last week's College of Policing conference on vulnerability, increasing attention is now being paid to the vulnerability and wellbeing of police officers themselves. Emma Williams of Canterbury Christ Church University and Dr Ian Hesketh, Senior Advisor to the CoP, explore the issues and call for more research. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 7/12/2016 Analysis Are the police losing control of the streets? Halloween carnage, officers attacked by schoolchildren, others stabbed as knife crime escalates. It begs the question  whose streets? Police Oracle - Subscription at source 7/12/2016 Feature, Opinion Mayor of London scraps ‘MOPAC 7’ targets Decision comes after HMIC slammed the force for focusing too heavily on the volume crime priorities Police Oracle - Subscription at source 7/12/2016 News Violence against women and girls: service transformation fund Guidance on the application process for the service transformation fund, which offers £15 million for local services that address violence against women and girls. Home Office 7/12/2016 Report Social media giants launch joint database to fight spread of online terror Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and YouTube have announced a new collaboration to more effectively identify and remove the worst terror-related content. Police Professional 7/12/2016 News New ‘lifeline’ service for female genital mutilation victims Victims of female genital mutilation will receive improved support through a new wide-ranging service described as a 'lifeline' in combating the barbaric crime. Leigh Journal 7/12/2016 News Former DCC to lead Hillsborough investigation A new leader has been appointed to oversee one of two ongoing investigations into the Hillsborough disaster after the previous commander stood down. Police Professional 7/12/2016 News Frontline police officers to wear bodycams Police in Warwickshire will wear body cameras from next year. Stratford-upon-Avon Herald 7/12/2016 News Shropshire police officers to get body cameras in £1 million move Police officers in Shropshire will be wearing body cameras on the beat next year thanks to a £1 million investment in the technology, it has been revealed. Shropshire Star 7/12/2016 News New police powers to ‘stop stalkers in their tracks’ Victims of stalking and harassment will be offered the same protections as domestic abuse survivors under new measures to crack down on violence against women and girls. Police Professional 7/12/2016 News Police officer’s life was saved because of Tasers Chief constable says officer 'would have been killed' without back-up Birmingham Live 7/12/2016 News Have a say on police budget Surrey's Police and Crime Commissioner David Munro has unveiled plans to increase the policing element of the council tax bill by an inflation-busting 1.99 per cent in April - the same increase he criticised his predecessor for just six months ago. Farnham Herald 7/12/2016 News Anti-fracking is no terrorism threat, police chief confirms North Yorkshire Police said it had decided to comment publicly after concerns were raised by anti-fracking campaigners. The Yorkshire Post 7/12/2016 News Home Office to meet police union after hundreds of assaults on officers Birmingham Post 7/12/2016 News Female police officers at risk of being groped and assaulted on the front line of Britain’s drink crisis The Telegraph 7/12/2016 News New protection for victims of ‘stranger stalking’ Home Secretary announces plans for stalking protection orders. Home Office 7/12/2016 News «456045614562456345644565456645674568Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events