Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98736 total results. Showing results 91161 to 91180 «455545564557455845594560456145624563Next ›Last » New police chief set to be officially confirmed Lincolnshire's new police chief is set to be confirmed at an upcoming hearing. Lincolnshire Live 12/12/2016 News Victims’ Commissioner warns against change to sexual abuse investigations Retired High Court judge Sir Richard Henriques said those who make complaints should be referred to as complainants not victims. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/12/2016 News Unison blasts Scotland pay rise offer as ‘derisory’ Police staff to be sent consultative ballot on force's remuneration plan. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/12/2016 News Domestic abuse accounts for more than ten per cent of crimes recorded by police Last year 'nearly two million adults experienced domestic abuse'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/12/2016 News Policing model ‘unsustainable’ amid budget constraints Budget constraints and falling numbers have left the current policing model unsustainable, according to a new survey by the Police Federation for Northern Ireland ITV News 12/12/2016 News PFNI Goodwill Survey finds Officers working for free A major online survey of Police Officers conducted by the Police Federation for Northern Ireland has found that nearly every officer routinely works paid or unpaid overtime. Police Federation for Northern Ireland (PFNI) 12/12/2016 News Anti-Semitism: Official definition ‘will fight hatred’ The government plans to adopt an international definition of anti-Semitism to help tackle hatred towards Jews. BBC 12/12/2016 News Reform urged over police officers’ ‘surge in workload’ in Northern Ireland Police officers in Northern Ireland are working "flat-out to keep the service ticking over", it has been claimed. Belfast Telegraph 12/12/2016 News Fourth Gwent council set to join shared IT service with Gwent Police A fourth local authority could be set to join the Shared Resource Service (SRS), which will see the safeguarding and transfer of 32 ICT jobs. The SRS is the ICT provider created by the merger of ICT teams from Gwent Police, Monmouthshire council and Torfaen council in 2011. South Wales Argus 12/12/2016 News Strategic thinking: Police governance and inter-force collaboration Last week the Police Foundation presented new research on the governance of specialist policing capabilities. Ian Wiggett, CoPaCC Associate and former Greater Manchester Police ACC, responds to the report, and examines the difficulties and opportunities offered by national and regional collaboration. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 12/12/2016 Opinion Northumbria officers have to grin and bear it A federation vice chairman has hit back at bizarre complaints from members of the public who were offended by images of officers smiling. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/12/2016 News Review of An Garda SÃochána report by John Horgan REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: This Review of An Garda SÃochána arises from a commitment in the Public Service Stability (Haddington Road) Agreement 2013-2016, that has been carried over to the Lansdowne Road Agreement, which extends to September 2018. [pdf] Department of Justice (Republic of Ireland) 12/12/2016 Report Titanic expert hired to help ‘sinking’ Police Scotland The Herald (Scotland) 12/12/2016 News Northumbria police criticised over ‘smiling’ armed officers Images posted on social media of armed officers smiling and posing with members of the public have attracted thousands of comments, many critical. BBC 12/12/2016 News Government will use education to offer hope to young offenders Children in youth custody are some of the most damaged in Britain. Here, the justice secretary commits to creating secure schools to prepare them for a positive role in society The Guardian 11/12/2016 Feature, Opinion Emergency Services Collaboration Working Group: National Overview 2016 Hertfordshire OPCC 11/12/2016 Report Cressida Dick applies to head the Met police The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 11/12/2016 News Thee Case Studies presented to Essex Police and Crime Panel on ASB Annex C provides three case studies. Essex OPFCC 10/12/2016 Report Risk Assessment Matrix Used By Essex Police To Assess Incidents of ASB Annex B provides a copy of the risk assessment matrix used by Essex Police to assess incidents of anti-social behaviour. Essex OPFCC 10/12/2016 Report Report from Essex Police on Anti-Social Behaviour Annex A provides a summary report of how Essex Police works with partner agencies to tackle anti-social behaviour. Essex OPFCC 10/12/2016 Report «455545564557455845594560456145624563Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events