Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98731 total results. Showing results 91101 to 91120 «455245534554455545564557455845594560Next ›Last » Want to be in the police? Now you’ll need a degree Major change in recruitment rules set to cost forces millions Mail Online 15/12/2016 News New police officers face degree requirement Recruits can take up paid degree apprenticeship, six-month graduate course, or join after university The Guardian 15/12/2016 News How metro-mayors can learn from Ken, Boris and Sadiq London’s experience holds lessons for the heavyweights lining up for the chance to run some of England’s biggest cities The Times - Subscription at source 15/12/2016 Feature, Opinion Police recruits must have degree to tackle complex modern crimes New police officers will need to have university degrees for the first time under one of the most radical overhauls of the service in generations. The Times - Subscription at source 15/12/2016 News Public at risk after privatised probation firm lost offenders Companies appointed under Chris Grayling’s part-privatisation programme are failing to monitor offenders after release from jail The Times - Subscription at source 15/12/2016 News Crown Prosecution Service and NPCC launch new Honour-Based Violence/Abuse and Forced Marriage Protocol The CPS and police have published the first ever joint honour-based violence/abuse and forced marriage protocol today [14 December 2016], outlining their commitment to the successful investigation and prosecution of these crimes. The protocol recognises the importance of strong partnership working between these two agencies. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 14/12/2016 News Here is how the College spends its £4.6 million grant for direct entry The Home Office will shortly be announcing police budgets for the next financial year. Last December the department sliced £4.6 million off them, which it announced would be given to the College of Policing for delivering direct entry schemes. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 14/12/2016 News Wiltshire Criminal Justice Board – Cracked And Ineffective Trials This report is in response to the Chairman of the PCPs request for a report showing cracked and defective trials monthly for the past two years. Wiltshire OPCC 14/12/2016 Report The Youth Aspiration Fund is now open! Communities across Greater Manchester can benefit from a new £500,000 fund to empower young people and help them make the right choices. Greater Manchester Police OPCC 14/12/2016 News Met Police investigating ‘very significant’ public figures BBC 14/12/2016 News Attacked West Midlands Police officers call for tougher sentences for thugs Six West Midlands Police officers who were attacked while on duty have called on lawmakers to ramp up sentences for those who assault officers and other emergency services staff. Express & Star 14/12/2016 News Governance Arrangements – An Update on Issues and Recommendations made by the Police and Crime Panel At previous meetings the Panel has raised a number of recommendations and issues with the Commissioner for her consideration. Merseyside OPCC 14/12/2016 Report Report On Out of Court Disposals – Merseyside The report outlines the use of out of court disposals, how police officers are trained to use them, and how their use is scrutinised. Merseyside OPCC 14/12/2016 Report Deputy Chief Executive Officer Closes: 6th January 2017 Police ICT Company 14/12/2016 Jobs Met spent £1,000 fitting a CD player to Boris’s unused water cannon MayorWatch 14/12/2016 News New chair of Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs Home Office 14/12/2016 News Charity warns of FGM ‘parties’ in UK Practitioners of female genital mutilation (FGM) are changing tactics and hosting circumcision ‘parties’ in cities across the UK, a charity has warned. Police Professional 14/12/2016 News Force’s PCSO fire scheme ‘proving a success’ Sergeant leading pilot said the officers had attended approximately 50 incidents between February and August. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 14/12/2016 News PCC to be interviewed by external force as part of election expenses probe A managed investigation is being carried out by West Mercia Police. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 14/12/2016 News Give local areas control over criminal justice system, says new report A new report from GovernUp, the independent research project for effective government, suggests that top-down reform of criminal justice is failing and proposes that Police & Crime Commissioners (PCCs) and directly elected Mayors should be given new powers over courts, prosecutions, youth justice and adult prison budgets. Rochdale Online 14/12/2016 News «455245534554455545564557455845594560Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events