Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 96149 total results. Showing results 91101 to 91120 «455245534554455545564557455845594560Next ›Last » Surrey PCC’s Draft Annual Report 2015-16 David Munro has been elected as the Police and Crime Commissioner for 2016-2020. During the period of reporting however, Kevin Hurley was the PCC in office and this report refers to work carried out by Mr Hurley during 2015/16. Surrey OPCC 2/8/2016 Report Report into Complaints Received Since Last PCP Meeting – Surrey This report sets out all complaints against the Police and Crime Commissioner that have been received since the last meeting of the Police and Crime Panel. Surrey OPCC 2/8/2016 Report Complaints Received Since the Last Surrey PCP Meeting A complaint was received relating to the Commissioners conduct and has been sent to the IPCC for investigation. Surrey OPCC 2/8/2016 Report Surrey Police and Crime Panel – Forward Work Programme Members can suggest items for consideration to the Chairman or the Panel support officer. Surrey OPCC 2/8/2016 Report Save the date: Wednesday, 14th September for “Brexit: Local implications for policing and security” Bernard Rix, Chief Executive of CoPaCC, announces a lunchtime workshop on 14th September in London. This event, hosted by leading lawyers Field Fisher, will explore the likely local impact of Brexit on policing and security stakeholders. Save the date! Policing Insight 2/8/2016 News Norman Stanley Fletcher and the case of the proprietary algorithmic risk assessment Controversial predictive tools for offender management are increasingly being used in the US to determine sentencing. Marion Oswald (Winchester University) and Jamie Grace (Sheffield Hallam University) examine the use of algorithmic risk assessment tools, and call for an open debate in the UK about where the red lines should be. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 2/8/2016 Analysis Durham to review Police Scotland’s data breaches Examination will look at issues stemming from force's apparent leak investigation. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 2/8/2016 News IPCC reject ‘bias against white officers’ claim Former Met chief superintendent accused the watchdog of favouring black complainants Police Oracle - Subscription at source 2/8/2016 News Avon Fire and Rescue Service set to relocate to police headquarters in Portishead Following an agreement between fire and police services, Avon Fire and Rescue Service will be moving into police headquarters in Portishead. Gazette (Yate and Sodbury) 2/8/2016 News New Wrexham police HQ £5.7m over budget as costs increase The new police headquarters in Wrexham will cost £5.7 million more than expected. News North Wales 2/8/2016 News New police station revealed This is the final vision for Blackpool’s brand new multi-million pound police headquarters. The Gazette (Blackpool) 2/8/2016 News Blazing the trail: 15 lessons for ‘blue light’ services from Fire Service comms How should 'blue light' services communicate with the people they serve? Dan Slee examines the work that comms teams in the Fire and Rescue Services have been doing to get their life-saving messages across, and what lessons there are for other public services. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 2/8/2016 Opinion Half of Gwent Police budget to be collected locally by 2021 The new Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has warned half the force's £119m budget will need to be raised locally by 2021. BBC 2/8/2016 News Slow-motion replays can distort criminal responsibility BBC 2/8/2016 Analysis, Feature We shouldn’t name those accused of sex crimes With so many innocent men having their reputations ruined, it’s time we went back to a system of automatic anonymity The Times - Subscription at source 2/8/2016 Feature, Opinion May needs to wake up to the reality of Sharia The inquiry into Islamic law in the UK has served to expose how many Muslims suffer under it The Times - Subscription at source 2/8/2016 Feature, Opinion Cameras allowed in court for sentencing The Times - Subscription at source 2/8/2016 News Run away! Police issue advice to terror victims The Times - Subscription at source 2/8/2016 News Proactive policing obliterated by austerity Royston Martis says the first duty of Government is to protect its citizens but consistent cuts have left gaping cracks. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 1/8/2016 Feature, Opinion Pitchford Inquiry into undercover policing ‘set up to fail’ A probe into undercover policing in England and Wales is doomed "to fail before it begins" after the UK Government confirmed its remit will not extend to Scotland, inquiry participants have warned. Policing Insight 1/8/2016 News «455245534554455545564557455845594560Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events