Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98731 total results. Showing results 91021 to 91040 «454845494550455145524553455445554556Next ›Last » Mini police on patrol in Durham Durham Police have set up a mini police force involving children from the community. BBC 18/12/2016 News Armed reassurance? Why context and perspectives matter Armed police officers were in the news last week again, this time because of complaints about armed patrols of a Christmas market in Newcastle. Gavin Hales of the Police Foundation argues that the controversy signals the complexity of offering reassurance to the public, some of whom may find armed police officers anything but reassuring. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/12/2016 Opinion 2016/17 Outturn Report – Quarter Two Update The purpose of this report is to provide an update to the Chief Officer Team on the forecast outturn position against the key financial performance headlines for Nottinghamshire Police for the year ending 31st March 2017. Nottinghamshire OPCC 18/12/2016 Report Brief glimpse of an ear is enough for cyber-cop Police are trialling a “Big Brother” CCTV facial recognition system to track offenders, using software that can identify people from the most fleeting or fuzzy of images. The Sunday Times 18/12/2016 News Women lead race to be next top cop The chief constable who once ran the force that covered Theresa May’s constituency has become the latest woman to join the race to be Metropolitan police commissioner. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 18/12/2016 News How To Get Things Done -The Governance Operating Manual It outlines the overall governance structure from the Police and Crime Panel to the Bronze Boards, with a definition of the roles and responsibilities for each board. South Wales OPCC 17/12/2016 Report North Wales Update on the 2016/17 Budget The budget for direct pension payments is based on six ill-health retirements each year, and there were nine in the first six months of the current financial year. North Wales OPCC 17/12/2016 Report Periodic Update by North Wales PCC This report concentrates on the Force’s performance against the measures of the 2016/17 Plan North Wales OPCC 17/12/2016 Report Cold cases: The detectives on the trail of undiscovered killers A dedicated team of British detectives is working to solve cold case murders. And with advances in forensic science, they are hoping to bring some of the killers to justice. BBC 17/12/2016 Analysis, Feature Senior Lecturer in Criminology Salary: £41,709 to £48,327. Closes: 30th January, 2017 Leeds Beckett University 17/12/2016 Jobs Police ‘must be given power to shut websites in child abuse and revenge porn fight’ Police need new powers to shut websites and curb access to social media to fight the threat of child abuse and revenge porn attacks, a chief constable said today. The Standard 17/12/2016 News Police Scotland budget ‘about £80m short of being sustainable’ MSPs have raised concerns over whether Police Scotland’s budget is big enough to meet the challenges it faces. The Scotsman 17/12/2016 News Northamptonshire Draft Police and Crime Plan 2016 – 2021 Northamptonshire OPCC 17/12/2016 Monitoring Report Prevention, Early Intervention And Reduction In Reoffending Appendix A provides a Table summarising the progress and achievements activities have been graded in terms of completion/progress and it will be seen that 84.6% of activity has been achieved or adequate progress made. Nottinghamshire OPCC 17/12/2016 Report Police drop investigation into Vaz and escorts Scotland Yard has dropped an investigation into the Labour MP Keith Vaz after allegations that he paid two male escorts for sex. The Times - Subscription at source 17/12/2016 News Child abuse inquiry will hold just four hearings to cut costs Alexis Jay, the inquiry’s fourth chairwoman, has reduced the hearings in an attempt to rein in costs and deliver findings before 2020 The Times - Subscription at source 17/12/2016 News Police memoirs: how officers are making crime pay Publishing has witnessed a crimewave this year, with coppers providing a rich stew of corruption, villainy and remorse The Guardian 17/12/2016 Analysis, Feature Brexit: Law enforcement in ‘mission critical’ to access police and justice databases Peers have joined forces with senior figures in policing and counter-terrorism to warn that Britain outside the European Union will be "far less safe" with an added risk of harming the Government's ability to protect national security. Policing Insight 16/12/2016 News Victim Satisfaction Survey – Wiltshire This report seeks to give an overview of the current picture of victim satisfaction, drawing comparison to our most similar forces (MSF) and national data. Wiltshire OPCC 16/12/2016 Report Public Opinion Survey – Wiltshire The aim of this survey is to seek public views on a variety of measures and to assess the confidence that the people of Wiltshire and Swindon have in their local police force. Wiltshire OPCC 16/12/2016 Report «454845494550455145524553455445554556Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events