Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98731 total results. Showing results 91001 to 91020 «454745484549455045514552455345544555Next ›Last » Nottinghamshire Police And Crime Commissioner’s Update Report This is the third report relating to the Commissioner‟s refreshed Police and Crime Plan (2016-18) which includes minor amendments to performance measures and the RAGB rating. Nottinghamshire OPCC 19/12/2016 Report Herts Police and Crime Commissioner proposes rise in Police portion of council tax bill David Lloyd is proposing the rise - around £5 a year for the average household - to protect local neighbourhood policing. Bob FM 19/12/2016 News More joint working for police across Suffolk and Norfolk Suffolk and Norfolk police are likely to work closer together – especially along the county boundary – following the cut in national government support. East Anglian Daily Times 19/12/2016 News Police trial ‘Big Brother’ AI system that is so powerful it can identify a criminal from a brief glimpse of their ear British police are turning to artificial intelligence to help then identify suspects in blurry or poor quality CCTV images. The system can map more than a million distinguishable features on a person's face so it can learn to recognise them. Mail Online 19/12/2016 News Deputy sought by PCC David Keane, Police & Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, has started his search for a Deputy to support him to implement Cheshire's Police & Crime Plan. Cheshire OPCC 19/12/2016 News Call for pay rise for police officers In the face of the one per cent public sector pay limit set by the Treasury, the Police Federation is asking for a pay increase of 2.8 per cent for all police officers. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 19/12/2016 News Does publishing the terror threat level serve a purpose? With an attack constantly considered 'highly likely', whether the public benefits or is confused by a national terror threat level is open to debate. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 19/12/2016 Analysis, Feature Police in Chelmsford use hi-tech to tackle drug use Police in Chelmsford have used a specialist machine to tackle drug use in the night-time economy. Yellow Advertiser 19/12/2016 News The hidden hurt of life on the police beat National soul-searching over officer shootings has obscured a routine reality for cops—the threat of violence is often just behind a door Wall Street Journal (USA) 19/12/2016 Analysis, Feature Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel: Chief Constable confirmation hearing agenda and papers Taking place on Monday, 19th December at 10.30am Lincolnshire OPCC 19/12/2016 Report Police unlawfully intercepted Mirror reporter’s phone records after disgraced chief’s lies were exposed Force unlawfully snooped on us and others after its £191,000-a-year Chief Constable, later sacked in disgrace, had an affair with a colleague, lied about it, and spent thousands of pounds of taxpayers' money on jollies with her Mirror 19/12/2016 News A world of surveillance doesn’t always help to catch a thief The New York Times 19/12/2016 Feature, Opinion Timewasters make 20,000 nuisance calls to 999 About 200 people are responsible for 66,000 prank and nuisance calls that have tied up the emergency phone line of Britain’s biggest police force. BBC 19/12/2016 News Independent report advocates police and fire integration PCC looks set to take over fire when new bill is passed. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/12/2016 News Police & Crime Commissioner sets priorities for next 4 years David Keane, Police & Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, is setting out his vision for policing in Cheshire as he publishes his Police & Crime Plan which will run from 2016 to 2021. Alderley Edge 18/12/2016 News GMP forced to pay out tens of thousands of pounds for blunders made smashing their way into homes Bosses at the force have written dozens of cheques after officers used too much force or got the wrong houses Manchester Evening News 18/12/2016 News Will 2017 be the year of criminal justice reform? The New York Times 18/12/2016 Analysis, Feature Met Police warn public over time-wasting emergency calls A fox outside a window, a hissing cat and faulty headphones are just some of the inappropriate reasons people have dialled 999. Sky News 18/12/2016 News NYPD blasted over refusal to disclose ‘predictive’ data The NYPD's refusal to disclose how it is using a high tech computer program to monitor the public and possibly predict where crimes will be committed was blasted in court papers filed Friday by the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU law school. Daily News (New York) 18/12/2016 News Married police boss, 49, who faced the sack over an alleged affair with a colleague is allowed to retire in secret Mail Online 18/12/2016 News «454745484549455045514552455345544555Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events