Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98731 total results. Showing results 90881 to 90900 «454145424543454445454546454745484549Next ›Last » Merseyside Police will recruit 140 new constables at the beginning of 2017 This year the forces Positive Action Team is providing support to people from under-represented communities Visiter 28/12/2016 News Public has faith in Derbyshire’s policing The overwhelming majority of the public has faith in the county’s police, according to a report published by the force. Buxton Advertiser 28/12/2016 News More police stations may close in Northern Ireland, says PSNI chief Hamilton A fresh round of police station closures could be on the cards, the Chief Constable has warned. Belfast Telegraph 28/12/2016 News Policing Insight’s “Top 20” articles from 2016… Policing Insight Publisher and CoPaCC Chief Executive, Bernard Rix, identifies the "must read" Policing Insight articles from 2016. Do you have a favourite? And which others would YOU highlight? Policing Insight 28/12/2016 Analysis Murder detectives sought Amazon Echo data US police investigating a murder have tussled with Amazon over access to data gathered by one of its Echo speakers. BBC 28/12/2016 News Spain orders SNIPERS and armed police to guard public areas amid terror fears Snipers and armed police are patrolling public spaces in Spain amid increased fears of a Berlin-style terrorist attack. Express 28/12/2016 News Neighbourhood to nation: A new strategy to counter terrorism Dr Andrew Staniforth looks ahead to the UK government's revision of the CONTEST initiative Police Oracle - Subscription at source 28/12/2016 Analysis, Feature Police dealing with thousands more mental health-related crimes Police are struggling to deal with a massive rise in incidents involving people with mental health issues in South Yorkshire. The Star (Yorkshire) 28/12/2016 News £10m plan to slash police officers’ desk time is hit by big delay New technology to keep North Yorkshire Police officers on the streets longer will be delayed by at least nine months. The Press (York) 28/12/2016 News Police are constrained from chasing moped thieves in London In recent years there has been a reduction of crime in the United Kingdom. This is a tribute to the police who have embraced reform and achieved this success despite falling budgets. It also reflects well on Theresa May who as Home Secretary cut back on much of the red tape. Yet the police are still far too constrained when fighting crime. Conservative Home 28/12/2016 Feature, Opinion Police chief to stay in force’s top spot The Chief Constable of Kent Police had his contract extended by three years. It means Alan Pughsley will now head the force until 2022, having stepped up to the role in 2014 on a five-year contract. Times (Tunbridge Wells & Tonbridge) 28/12/2016 News Amazon refuses to give police the voice data from an Echo owned by a man charged with murder Business Insider 28/12/2016 News Scottish transport police use Taser for first time BBC 28/12/2016 News We’re safer than ever before, and it’s all thanks to technology Dramatic reductions in crime rates over the last 20 years aren't down to policy reforms – they're because technology has made it harder to commit crimes Wired 28/12/2016 Analysis, Feature Detective who warned against ‘baseless witch hunt’ of VIPs over false sex abuse claims is STILL being probed despite collapse of the case Former head of the Met's paedophile unit Paul Settle is still under investigation Mail Online 28/12/2016 News West Yorkshire police concerned about rise in gun crime Force appeals to public for information on firearms incidents after increase in gun-related violence over Christmas The Guardian 28/12/2016 News Drive to curb 24-hour drinking in towns has made no difference Not a single licensing authority has taken up new powers to ban alcohol sales in the early hours The Times - Subscription at source 28/12/2016 News Prevent scheme ‘fundamental’ to fighting terrorism A senior police officer has called the government's Prevent anti-extremism programme "absolutely fundamental" in tackling terrorism in the UK. BBC 27/12/2016 News South Yorkshire’s Complaints Update The Home Affairs Select Committee concluded that the allegations referred to (deliberately misleading the Committee) would if proved constitute a criminal offence, which is contrary to the conclusion of the IPCC. South Yorkshire OPCC 27/12/2016 Report South Yorkshire PCC’s Governance Arrangements The PCC’s Governance arrangements, including the Joint Corporate Governance Framework, are currently being reviewed. South Yorkshire OPCC 27/12/2016 Report «454145424543454445454546454745484549Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events